(no subject)

Nov 14, 2008 16:48

i love fandom overlap :D
in the latest gintama episode there were these 3 ghosts who didn't really like each other yeah...
there was this post in kelun asking who they were and their relationship and all.
someone replied saying it was old japanese history blah blah incident of honnouji.
that sounded familiar so i did a brain search and remember pnish did a show on that incident :D
continuing to read through the thread, there was mentioning of how after the 3 guys betrayed/killed each other, the tokugawa family took over :D

i am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo behind on atsuhime. i have like.. 8 episodes to catch up on :(
i told myself i'll catch up and watch the last 5 episodes the second they came out, and it's already episode 45 now :(
so i have only tomorrow to catch up on 6 hours of atsuhime :|

at least, i'm done with all my tests/essays now :DDDD
my organic chem test was really bleh tho :(
and i slept really late coz of it...
actually i've been sleeping at 5 the day before all my chemistry tests :(
why does organic chem have so much crap :(

*pnish*, chemistry, history, gintama, atsuhime, chinese forums, uni :(, japan

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