(no subject)

May 29, 2008 11:21

#112: osamu-chan x kengo?!? the chinese forums ship them :3
#143: kime-sama~~
#169: i did ♥ ;__;

edit: 510, aka hyouteimyu, is going to be an epic failure . in my opinion.

向日岳人:青柳塁斗 / 福山聖二
宍戸 亮:鎌苅健太 / 村井良大
芥川慈郎:Takuya / 內藤大希
樺地崇弘:鷲見亮 / 川田穣二
鳳長太郎:瀨戶祐介 / 李湧恩
日吉 若:河合龍之介 / ?貝圭(杂志图片不清晰)

double cast.
most popular two people aren't here.
the only guy i care for in hyoutei isn't there.

i MIGHT be able to see atobe from him
the new yuushi (?) looks like saitou -___-
new gakuto... ew.
kabaji... MIGHT be okay.
ewwwwwwwwwwww choutarou looks ugly.

edit again:
WHO THE HECK STILL USES STUFF LIKE ORTHOCENTERS, CIRCUMCENTERS AND CENTRIODS T_____________________________________________________________T
stupid kumon.

date koji, katou kazuki, kimeru, pokemon, saitou takumi, kumon, kengo-sama, hayashi shuuji, chinese forums, fandomsecrets, maths, tenimyu

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