(no subject)

Dec 10, 2007 15:21

LOVING IT :DDD that status on facebook is sooo weird XD

and wtf THIS IS CLASSIC. EPIC. that's all i'm saying. and i'm stealing the OP's icon VERY SOON.

and this post of links cannot stop without OMG♥♥♥ing at BAS 009. i really am a rikkaidai fangirl, aren't i? XD more like they make it too canon for anyone to ignore ♥

random: i hate kengo's agency sometimes. they update the news page. they FINALLY update the artists page with the new people not that i care. ew a girl. BUT THEY DON'T UPDATE THE INDIVIDUAL PAGES COMPLETELY???!?! how the heck can you update his PLAYS but not his DVDs!? no clouds in the blue heavens DVD came out BEFORE sukedachi, and you can have sukedachi WITHOUT no clouds in the blue heavens? damn can i just update his page for you? DDD:

now to rush chem cwk. coz if i don't, i can't get a lab coat. then i can't be a mad scientist tomorrow.

edit: oh yeah. daphnee? GOT AIBA'S CALENDAR IN SOGO. am i underestimating the power of sogo? D:

edit again:

nagayan :D

chemistry, xkcd, nagayama takashi, kengo-sama, bleach, aiba hiroki, linking, sakugoe, tenimyu

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