(no subject)

Dec 09, 2007 20:12

Since everyone has the little 40.5 profile meme going around, why not do a 'bag check' one, as well? Just list off whatever is in your bag/knapsack/thing you carry around the most. Including pictures is optional.

so uh.. i'll show ya what's typically in my bag :D or my bag for this monday.

i tend to use either bag :) no idea why they're both brown tho.

so uh... there's:
-octopus card
-thumb drive
-phone (temporary one..)
-lip balm
-phone/ipod charger
-rubik's cube
-(ipod). i forgot to put it in the picture..

there's my pencil case, diary (isn't it soo pretty? :) ), notebook, maths notebook (the black and red one), and my folder containing everything else i need for school XD i don't have any textbooks coz my friend has my stats book and physics is just revision and my pastpapers are in the file :)

in typical hong konger fashion, all the pens/pencils in my pencil case :D and...

MY TWO FAVOURITE PENS :) reason? look where they're from ♥

the textbooks/workbooks i have at home :D kinda freaky XD

the samples me and cerulean88 got for bleach :D and the ribbon is for my sword~

the fabrics we're using ♥ from left to right (?):
the haori lining for aizen,
the haori fabric for aizen,
the fabric for kimono,
the fabric for the obi/sleeves/everything else,
the fabric for the hakama :D

the cool plant :D

my kumon cert :D blurred for a reason, but you can still see it :D

roy-sama on my printer/copier/fax

freaky timetable desssssu~~

back to chem @____@ MIT interview update tmr or something.

chemistry, mit♥, pic post, interviews

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