hey bitches

May 27, 2004 22:16

whats up
ive been pritty upset for the last cupple days my mom is just being a slut fuck.she told me she ganna die soon because of me and my little brother.so i called her a fucking bitch and went to my room.but it was cool though becasuse i wrote like 3 songs.punching a shark in the face.its about just not caring if you die or not so you do a lot of fucked up shit.then whoops biggest mistake if my life is about some kid cutting and acsadently cut
to deep.then there was this dagger this rose(a ganstar story) wich is this one.
kill me kill me
tonight is a good night to die
i can tell its not love but a big lie
is this a dagger or is this a rose
they are both in your hands you dicide
shoot me shoot me
but aim for my hart
and if your ganna shoot then start
because ill take that dagger and that rose
and tell you apart
well ya ive been pritty depressed but hope came over today she makes me fell so much better. i love her so much she helped me with my alkaline backround thing
well coment if you wanna be a friend
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