May 31, 2008 00:30
I often wonder why I even bother to check my livejournal. I dont want to share with you my thoughts. no one who's opnion matters in my mind is going to read my journal, but I couldnt want to share my thoughts with those people anyway.
I have nothing to write. Its not that I dont have great ideas or amazing things to say, i have just grown to realize that it doesnt matter, and is in fact not worth explaining/sharing with most people. Sharing with almost anyone else is insulting. There is someone out there i would love to sahre with, but the truth is i havent met them yet. Perhaps tomorrow night? who knows.only tomorrow night will tell.
I had come to realize the other day that besides having a lack of motivation for writing, the greater and recently revealed reason i dont write is because I've doubted myself. and now I've picked up onthe fact that i feel there is no one of worth for whom to write, no audience worthy enough for my words. perhaps those people have moved on? perhaps my standards have risen?
most people will read this is and say/think "this was the most boring insignificant piece of shit i've ever read."
THAT is my point. It is minds like these that cannot fathom writings like mine, minds like these that make up the 99$ worthless marjority. Finding meaning in everything. I'm not sure if its a gift, a skill, or a blessing. but the truth remains that 99% of the time my writings will be read by someone in the 99th (pitiful) percentile will come across my works and read it.
So that makes me wonder if I should write at all. Why bother?