Citizen X - An Original Character X-Men Movieverse RPG

Jul 29, 2005 00:52

Citizen X - An Original Character X-Men Movieverse RPG

It has been almost a year since the attack on the President by an unknown mutant assailant inside of the White House. The city of San Francisco, though richly diverse, and seemingly more tolerant, has not proven itself much different than the rest of the country with regard to mutant tolerance and acceptance.

To this point, San Francisco's mutant population (3rd in the country behind New York and LA) has remained almost completely underground, and a mutant sub-culture has begun to develop in the city. A mutant journal community has evolved as a way of keeping in touch and staying informed. Mutants work unseen in all levels of San Francisco society, and at night they may even party at the underground mutant-run night club "M", which has begun to generate a buzz in local circles.

Even while staying out of the spotlight, the city's mutant community is not completely safe. Anti-mutant anxiety and paranoia still run strong throughout the city's "Normal" population. Anti Mutant Gangs and hate groups such as the "Friends of Humanity" exist in force, with members of the latter being frequently found in various levels of law enforcement.

Despite the adversity, the mutants of San Francisco Work, play, shop, and live among the humans, at all levels of San Francisco Society. The day is coming when the city's mutant population will no longer allow itself to be ignored, marginalized, or estranged. The majority of San Francisco's mutants wish for this to happen peacefully, how it actually plays out is up to you...

Genre: X-Men Movie Universe
Format: GreatestJournal and AIM based

Community Link:
Website Link:

Contact: citizen_x_mutants @
Moderators on AIM: Ami [WhisperedFrost], Bob [brdgofwd], Tash [Tashizm]

Age Limits: Mature writing style, 16 and older only, slash/het friendly
Audition Requirements: Completed application (found at the website), GJ character account, AIM character name
Deadline: Open-ended

Needed Characters: Only original characters are being accepted at this time. Some exceptions may occur later in the game depending on future plots.

role playing

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