you're my angel, come and save me tonight

Jun 27, 2007 23:45

i know. i'm lame. i have all this free time when i am online, and i never update this. why may you ask? well, i don't really like to talk about myself. well, i mean, i love to talk about my emotions and shit, but some of it cannot be put into words and some of it, i'm like, who is going to care? so yea. i'm stopping now.

talek. is amazing. in every way possible now. and not the i wanna marry him and have his kids. he's just acting like the person that i've been missing this whole time. he's taking care of me and respecting me now. and he does have his bits of anger (don't we all?) but i forgive him. but, just the convos that we have been having lately. some may seem shallow, but there is this deep connection of love that you can read in between the lines. where has this new talek come from? i'm scared to ask. or scared as to why he's here. and scared that i will push him away.

if i were to have a superpower, i would want the ability to read minds and emotions. there are so many questions that i have and words cannot always be used to describe them. and to know the emotions of everyone, that would just be beneficial. trust is totally irrelevant. does this show that i have trust issues? i wouldn't be surprised if i do.

oh, *sigh*. chris. what do i make of the kid? <==== ugh, the things i pick up from my friends (its from talek) i really don't want to say too much on the issue. if you want to know, ask. if not, whatever. just let me be confused here, because i always have 1 guy that is always confusing me. i should know this by now.

summer is great. summer is going by too fast. summer is summer.

shit, the scariest thing on the first day of school is going to be when we look around in the hallways and we see that there is nobody older than us. that is when the truth of it will hit. we're the top now. NO STOP THINKING ABOUT IT! okay, i'm done.

*sigh* i might be adding a new college to my list. shit, i suck.

but i love starbucks.
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