Update to Greatest News Ever

Apr 25, 2009 15:18

Well, I got home a few minutes ago.  I was in Bakersfield for my CNS interview.  I wasn't sure I was going to make it because their location is so straightforward to spot.  I swear, I was about to cry because I couldn't find their office.  It turns out that in order to get to their office, you had to go through an alley which is between Le Petite Academy and the Bakersfield Fire Station #9.  Here I am, looking for the numbers and never spotting it.  Luckily, I hadn't erased the Recent Calls on my cell and I was able to call CNS for clearer directions.  And thank the heavens I did.  It saved me from losing my composure and balling my eyes out for missing out on the interview.  I found it with 10-15 minutes to spare (that the heavens I like to be early--just in case) because it turns out that as part of the interview, you had to read and answer a case scenario.  Well, the interview went well.  Though I must say that in speaking with the manager about the position, I couldn't help but think about my brother, Jesse.  I swear my eyes became misty.  No nears, just a nice thin film of "extra" moisture.

So, as far as I'm aware, all is well.  I've been scheduled for a mandatory drug-test this Monday.  If I pass (like I'll fail a drug-test, XD I'm drug-free baby [lol]), then I have to go in for Fingerprinting and background check; health exam, and finally, training.  I'm going to have to speak with Prof. Zoller and Prof. Feer and arrange something for Wed. May 6th because I'll be training all day that day.

Once the interview was over, I decided to just come home.  I do have to work tonight and I have a swing-shift tomorrow so... I called Azuu and Alondra (they were also in Bakersfield) and told them that I was heading home.

And that leads to me updating.

Besides that, nothing else has gone on.

What should I do now?  Maybe a little Guitar Hero or get things ready for dinner?  Hummmm....  I don't know.  I'll marinate on that for a while.

career, updates

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