May 05, 2004 20:09
1) What is your favorite Girl Scout cookie? dO-sI-DO's
2) Do you prefer small town life or big city life? i NeeeeeD thE ciTY!
3) The Cures "Boys don't cry" or "Just like Heaven"? iS thAT eVEn a QuEstIOn? jEez... JUST LIKE HEAVEN!
4) Violent femmes or Sex Pistols? mEh... psYchoDELiC phuRRs!
5) Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups or Pieces? pIecEs
6) Morning sex or drunk sex? dRUNk Is SOOO mUcH moRe FuN! aNd yooooU kNo iT... ;).
7) Jenna Jameson or Belladonna? asIa CaRReRa <333!
8) Britney or Christina? bOth PLeaSe =D
9) Where were you born? oRaNGe BabY!
10) Pirates or zombies? pIrATeS fO sHo <3
11) Hardcore or emo? eMO -TeaR-
12) Dodge ball or red light greenlight? RED ROVER! <333
13) Did you get spanked when you were a kid? hA... NEVAH! -hANgs HeaD- yeS'm... =(
14) Do you get spanked now (sexually)? o HeLL ya!
15) Do you like it? wHAt Do YOU thINk?
16) Where do you hope to be in 5 years? mARrIeD... wOrKINg @ kpMG dURinG thE daY aND uRbAN oUTfiTTeRS aT nIGhT... wIth mY twO kiTTIeS... aNd oNe chIuaUA.
17) Do you believe in love? HELLS YA! <333!!!
18) Do you believe in witchcraft? bAHhahahAhHAHaha!
19) Explain a holiday memory: LasT cHRisTmAS... jiMmy GivINg mE a RinG thAT wAS suPPoseD to SIgnIFy eVERythINg... BuT mEAnt NothINg In REaLiTy
20) If you could be a virgin again would you? nO... bUt i WouLD deLeTe sOME pArtNeRS frOM thE LisT
21) Would you ever consider being open sexually to someone of the same sex? I ALREADY AM!
22) Type some of the lyrics of one of your favorite songs: "scArS aRE sOUveNiRs yOU nEvER LoSE"- gOO gOo DoLLs *nAMe*
23) Do you sleep with a teddy bear, blankie, or in/with girlfriends clothes? i LOVE sLeePinG iN phiL's CLOthEs... bUT i'VE oNLy Done ThAT onCE. nOrmALLy i SLeEP wIth A bLanKy <3.
24) Do you believe long distance relationships would work? NO! bEen THEre... DonE thAt... TWICE!
25) Have you ever dated some one off of my space/ friendster? nOoooPe
26) How many people? nOOoOoNe
27) Whats more important: money, friendship, power or love? iDeaLy... LoVE. REaLiTy... mONeY.
28) Would you sleep with someone on the first date? NEVER AGAIN!
29) How do you like your grilled cheese sandwiches? wHeN sTEphANie MedRaNO mAkES eM
30) What do you listen to when your heart is broken? hA... WeLL reCeNTLy It WAs HiM aND pLaCEbo... BuT thEReS a ReaSON fOr thAt. NoRmaLLy iT'LL be THe CURe oR REM.
31) Do you believe trust is earned, or do you think everyone should be trusted until they fuck up? dEPenDs oN thE pERsON aNd wHaT tYPe of RELaTIOnShiP iT is... yA?
32) What do you mix your vodka with? cRAnBerRy jUIcE nuKKa!
33) What was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon? uHm... I waTcHEd thE nEws WHeN i wAS LiTTLE... bUt noW i LOVE reCeSS!!!
34) Did you ever watch kids incorporated? wTF?
35) What is your favorite John Hughes film (Pretty in Pink, Sixteen candles, Some kind of wonderful)? PreTTY iN pINk bABeh!!! -As iF thAt WASn'T oBvioUS <3-
36) What did you think of House of 1000 corpses by Rob Zombie? i LOVE it!!! hOrrIBLe MOvIe... BuT iT was SOOO rOB zOMbIe... thE acTiNG wASN't HaLF bAD... i LauGHEd aND i ScrEAMed aND i cRIngEd anD LaUGHeD soMEmoRE. aLL fOUr THumBs UP!
37) What do you do for work? sEx? hahaHA nIce NiCE niCe
38) What is your dream job? rIghT noW... aT my AgE... aUpiEr. LaTer oN... aN accOUntANt -pARtNer- aT KPMG.
39) Who is your favorite Peanuts gang character? pEppERmInT pAttY... sHES a DyKe!!! gOTtA LoVE hEr <3.
40) Broken hearts or a broken arm? ArM... heArTS dON'T mEnd VerY eaSILy.
41) Clubs or bars? cLuUuuUUuBs!!! i LOVE daNciNG!!!!!!
42)Whats the best show you've ever been to? OMG! DAVID BOWIE!!! AH! I LOOOOVE HIM! <3333333333333333333!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
43) Do you have a crush? mOre ThAn ThAT... ♥!
44) Who were you in high school? tHe psYchO
45) Do you believe in astrology? yES'm
46) Do you believe in angels? sO so
47) Do you believe in ghosts? fO sHO
49) Don't lie: do you like bon Jovi's album- slippery when wet? O HELL NAW!
50) What is your biggest "issue"? SHIT TALKERS LIKE BRITTANY DOMINGUEZ!