May 05, 2004 18:20


First best friend: eMiLie wHarE aNd nadIa kAhN
First car: <3
First real kiss: brIaN wOrkMaN
First break-up: uH... fIrst OnE thaT mAttEreD: mIke oGiLviE
First screen name: soUr0gErL
First funeral: mY ninO's wIfe... mIchELLe. i CrieD sO hArD i... wELL iT wasN't PrEttY.
First pets: CABOODLE!!! -rip-
First piercing: oTheR tHan mY eArs... mY noSe?
First credit card: hAve YeT tO geT thIs pLeaSUrE
First true love: aUdreY
First musicians you remember hearing in your house: U2 BeeCHeS!!!


Last cigarette: uH... wIth BriGittE... aT corY's... aBouT 2 MonthS aGo...?
Last car ride: wItH my MoMMy tO schOoL
Last kiss: aBouT... 5 houRS aGO... wiTh mY phiLLy
Last good cry: aMazinGLy It's BeEN a WhiLe... MY frIeNds aRe KEePin mE hAppY <3
Last library book checked out: hahahA
Last movie seen: deUceS wILd gaNgstA!
Last phone call: aBout FiVe secONds AgO... mR. phIL
Last time showered: UhM... nOoN-isH
Last shoes worn: bLack SLiP oN vaNs
Last cd played: Veruca Salt <--- yOU maDe Me waNNa HeaR iT asHLey!!! sO i'M pLayinG iT!♥!!!
Last item bought: i caN't AnsWEr ThaT hAha =X
Last annoyance: DAVID AND BRIGITTE!!!!!
Last disappointment: pHiL haD to LeaVE eArLier ThAN uSuaL -teaR-
Last shirt worn: WeLL i'M stiLL wEaRINg OnE... iT's A wiFE bEateR... dOes thAt CouNT?
Last website visited: uH... mYspACE.cOm
Last word you said: "bYe!"
Last song you sang: "sEetHeR"- veRuCa saLt
What is in your cd player?: ^^^
What color socks are you wearing?: nOne!!! i'M such A rEbeL! ;)
What Color underwear are you wearing?: NONE!!! yA... thAt's RiGhT... NONE!
What's under your bed?: a CaT aNd sOme ShoEs
What time did you wake up today?: 4 aM-iSh... theN uP UP aT 5:20


Current mood: LovE fOr mY aSHLeY
Current music: vEruca SALt
Current hair: aLL meSsY... i sHOwErEd... LaYed In BeD wIth PhIL... sLepT fOrEvER... nOW i'M hERe. yOU caN iMagINe...
Current clothes: pJ paNts AnD a Wife BeatER. NEXT QUESTION!
Current annoyance(s): tHe faCt thAT i caN'T fIx mY p*nuT's BaD DAy
Current desktop picture: a PainTiNg bY frIda KahLo
Current book(s): AH I HATE EM!
Current color of toenails: reD... REPRESENT! bUt wiLL be WhITE tIPs aS oF 2moRO... fOR pRom...
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