Last Bouquet [1/??] - Part One

Aug 06, 2010 19:05

Last Bouquet
Author: x_keiosu  
Fandom: ガゼット♥
Pairing: ReitaXRuki
Genre: Angst, drama, fluff, high-school AU, romance
Rating: R
Warning: BxB love, tobacco use, language, slash, un-beta shizzle
Disclaimer: The gaze-rock boys own themselves. (  ` д´)*ノ
Summary: A love confession involving a bouquet of red crimson roses, was the earliest memory of bitter-sweet love Ruki could recollect; a bitter-sweet one-sided confession, from someone of the same gender. Young and naive Ruki receiving this confession, automatically rejected the other grader's love--brutally and unsympathetically, all to keep and impress his 'friends'. After seeing the anguish of the other grader's broken heart: Ruki could never live down, the tears and misery it brought his admirer. Nearly seven years after, he had already lost all contact with the other mysterious grader. That is until, Ruki suspects that the newest acquaintance he has befriended, is the one he turned down many years ago. The two now growing closer than expected: how will Ruki be able to confess, that he was the ungrateful bastard that caused him his pro-longed misery?
Status: Ongoing
Parts: 1/??

A/N: Tbh, I had giant issues concerning the summary! o_e I had nearly rewritten it, about a good 4 times. Hopefully it's descriptive enough. ( ̄ ◇  ̄); Anyways, this fan fiction is inspired by Gazetto's amazing song 'Last Bouquet'. The lyrics helped me think of the plot~Give the song a try, if you haven't heard it♥ I hope you enjoy this prologue, & the series in-general! Comments & constructive criticism appreciated ♨(´・ ∀・`  )つ

Last Bouquet

Students found most enjoyment in middle-school year, not near the ending of the day, but during lunch time. Those were the moments, where friends could freely talk without consequence; when one could catch up with school-work, or work on extra material. But for young Ruki, lunch-time was the anticipating moment where he anxiously wanted, an approval for his welcome to a new group. However, why was it significant whether or not this 'group', was going to 'accept' him? And for what more important?

Ruki Matsumoto was an out-cast, a loner--a drifter. Always constantly desiring to be acquaintances, with the more popular teens of school: Ruki automatically befriended the head honcho so to speak, while subconsciously pleading for the consideration, of Ruki being able to be seen with them. Although it seemed these clicks, are what you would expect to find in a typical teen movie--the matter of the truth was, the school containing three different grades were segregated harshly, by who you hang with and who are your friends.

It surely didn't take long, for Ruki to figure how the social pyramid worked at the time. Knowing his middle-school friends, would create his own social status for high-school: Ruki was suddenly washed with fear, at the thoughts of his future as a senior. Since then, he has been determined to alter the path of his social life.

But it wasn't always like this.

When Ruki first entered middle-school with his neighborhood friends, him and his group remained close friends and bound their friendship stronger. There was a time in his life, when Ruki only cared about his opinions and didn't let what others thought negative about him bring him down. There was a time, when the younger teen believed in quality of friends other than quantity. Those were the moments when Ruki was truthfully content, and could rely on his close friends for advice.

And when he could rely on his friends, for a sincere friendship.

Somewhere along the way, Ruki's guidelines for a legitimate friendship with another started to dwindle. He noticed that there were kids, much prettier and well-known, who were friends with older and seemed to have endless happiness! But...then what was the difference, between Ruki's relationship with his friends---and these more confident teens his age, with their friends?

Those kids were popular, and Ruki wasn't.

If anything, Ruki was at the bottom of the social pyramid--constantly being made fun of along with his friends, for being 'losers' and 'loners' with 'pathetic lives'. Ruki thought he could withstand the teasing, and could remind himself that the looks, the money or popularity they had wasn't everything. But he knew as much as the other loser, that they envied to be popular.

They all wanted to be treated better as humans, they all wanted good attention from girls and guys: every loner wanted to be normal, and just to fit in. They all wanted the better end of the bargain, but surely wasn't getting any.

Perhaps it was just pure frustration? Maybe the irritation, of constantly being put down is what led Ruki to change himself. Even he knew personally those sudden acts of abandonment to his original friends, and careless behavior about his grades were based more on anger than envy. Whatever he was doing was working, and soon enough Ruki was drawing both wanted and unwanted attention, from the elitists from the school.

Soon enough, Ruki already found himself growing close, to one of the most notorious trouble makers of the school. Realizing the golden opportunity Ruki had, to transform what he was going to be marked as for middle-school---he found himself more anxious for his transition to a higher social status. It was known, that the most popular kids did their own personal recruiting during lunch--and with Ruki's luck, he wished that he could stop living in the shadows, and he could b worth remembering. He would just have to make it, through this particular class periods.

And there the young teen of barely eleven was, eyes strictly focused on the ticking clock which hung above the classrooms chalk-board---which was covered with work. Ruki had nearly blanked out the entire school day, prior to the period before class. Randomly scribbling doodles and 'notes to self' on his worksheet, his eyes constantly flickered back and forth from work, to the current time. Sensei was going over review for exams, that the students were to expect after winter break; students worked vigorously on taking useful and accurate notes. Ruki was just trying to find ways to entertain himself.

Snapping Ruki out of his trance, was vibrations that came from his cellphone, which obviously indicated a text message. Knowing the consequences could be dire, if Sensei caught him with his cellphone: Ruki changed positions, allowing more room between his body, and desk. Discreetly leaning back to yawn, Ruki's eyes quickly scanned in-front and behind him, to see if anyone else was paying attention. Luckily for him, everyone else was far into their work to care or notice.

Digging into this pocket, Ruki quietly pulled his flip phone out from hiding, snapping it open and incidentally was...shocked by who the text was from.


What's up with you? You've been looking at the clock non-stop today! Are you that excited to ditch us for good, for a group of assholes?!

In an instant, Ruki's attitude shifted from excitement to rage as he finished reading the text, from his so called friend. Turning back to see his friend's expression, their eyes met in a death glare, Ruki returning back to sit properly and reply snidely to the text.


Why don't you cut your damn attitude Keji? And I'm not ditching you: I'm just hanging out with another crowd. Besides, what's so bad about that?


Are you honestly kidding me? Taka, you've changed so much since you've been hanging out with Uruha and his friends. God Idek who you are anymore! Are we...not that important to you anymore?


I'm just sick and tired of constantly being made fun of! And they're not all that bad tbh: you've just got to give them a chance. And stfu: you guys ARE important. I just think it would do my reputation good, if I hung more with Uru.


Hang out with Uruha, Aoi and his popular pricks--which he calls friends? Give those people a chance. Hell no, that won't happen. Seriously Taka...if we were as important as you say: you wouldn't abandon us...Btw you won't do your rep any good, if you're willing to dump your old friends for a new crowd...what does that show in a person?


Why don't you just butt out of my life Keji? A little change wouldn't hurt anyone.


Change that's what you call it? You would really dump your old friends who offer an honest friendship along with advice(note the fact, that we actually care for you), as oppose to the people who doesn't give two shits about YOU? I mean...would you actually be willingly to go against your morals, and hurt another human being just to impress THEM? Is the friendship you have w/me and the others, all that worthless to you?

In pure frustration on how persistent and misunderstanding Keji was to Ruki, the only logical way to end this pointless text argument, is to hit on a low subject involving Keji's self esteem.


Surprisingly Keji, I'd be okay with ending our friendship. You guys are losers anyways. Why would you matter to me?

A split after hitting the 'send' button, Ruki's good morals finally kicked in for the first in awhile. Regret overcame his previous emotions, as he realized what situation he had put himself in. If in-fact Uruha and his friends were as cruel as other were making them appear: Ruki couldn't turn back, and expect his friends to be waiting patiently. Every ounce Ruki wanted to take back what was sent...but unfortunately for him, Keji had already opened and read the text. Worried eyes studied the display screen of his closed phone, hoping for a reply and hopefully Keji would give him a chance to apologize.

After watching the screen for minutes straight, the cell phone lit up and began to vibrate an incoming text message. Quickly flipping it open, Ruki's eyes caught a hold of the message--his heart sinking in the pit of his stomach.


Okay Takanori...we're all sincerely sorry for embarrassing you. Have fun w/the new crowd...the old you will be missed.

No Keji, I'm sorry! This wasn't suppose to happen. Fingers began to rapidly type up a text full of remorse, but after hitting the send message, there was an error that was displayed automatically.

間違い: このメッセージは次の接触に、送ることができなかった。
Error: this message could not be sent, to the following contacts.

Snapping the phone closed with irritation, Ruki's body trembled with massive guilt as he stared straight ahead. How was it that now he had instantly lost his friends. All he wanted to do was to grow closer to Uruha, and that friendship would have benefit each of Ru's friends. should right?

But it wasn't t going to benefit anyone, if him and the others stopped talking. That was the original plan, wasn't it? But Ruki wanted to desperately move forward, with without Keji and the others. Although he knew personally what he wanted, half of him knew turning back and sticking with Keji would be save trouble.

No, he couldn't do that.

If he changed directions now, Ruki wouldn't be trustworthy to his friends, and there would always be a hint of doubt about him. He had already sacrificed his original group for Uruha, therefor the only choice Ruki had...was to keep moving forward.
A/N: So, why is his name Ruki Matsumoto, if Keji refers to him as Takanori--his birth name? That'll be explained laterish. TBH, this isn't all to the prologue: it's just pretty lengthy therefor I'm cutting it, into uh--three diff. entries. Here's the first part of the beginning. The reason for the length, is b/c I have a pet peeve over the LACK, of story development in any story/fan fiction. So this is going to have real plot/character development, & not just mindless smut. So don't complain if there is no PWP goin` on. >__>; It's rated R for language, and idk prob. suggested themes? But not just OMGEEBUTTSECKZ, every chap. lmao AGAIN, SORRY FOR THE LONG SUMMARY...Anyways, lemme know what you think about it so far! Comments are appreciated to no end!♥

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type: series, pairing(s): reitaxruki, style: fan fiction

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