Nov 05, 2004 15:12
im running with a pair of scissors in a room full of you.
01. Full Birth Name: morgan leigh klimczak
02. Hair Color: black/red
03. Eye Color: hazel brown
04. Height Currently: 5'2"
05. Glasses/contacts: glasses
06. Birthdate: july 12th
08. School or Work: both
09. Siblings: older brother
10. Siblings age:19
11. Location: colorado
12. College Plans: metro state
13. Any Piercing: lip
01. Best Friends: Lizz, Samee, Kelsey, kyle, therese, brian
02. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: no :(
03. Current Crush: nick greener. sigh...
04. Hobbies: moshing like no other. talking about violence. watching cheesy zombie movies. going to shows. talking online (about violence?)
07. What Type Automobile Do You Drive: 2004 chevy cavalier
08. Are You Timely Or Always Late: depends on where im going and who is gonig to be there
09. Do You Have A Job: yes. tri lakes mother f'er...
10. Do You Like Being Around People: Depends on who the person is.
01. Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with: every day of my life.
02. Have You Ever Cried Over Something Someone of The Opposite Sex Did: ditto to number 1
03. Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go After: yes. hardxcore boys are sooooo freaking hott.
04. Want Someone You Don't Have Right Now: two actually
05. Ever Liked a close Guy/Girl Friend: ditto to numbers one and two
06 Are You Lonely Right Now: very very very
07. Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married: yes
08. Do You Want To Get Married: yes
09. Do You Want Kids: Later
01. Room In house: my closet. is that a room?
02. Type of music: hardxcore
03. Song: a little peice of me
04. Memory: having a boy lay his head in my lap and play with his hair for several hours. :(
05. Day Of The Week: Friday
06. Color: Red/black
07. Perfume Or Cologne: none of the above
08. Flower: roses. red
09. Month: august
10. Season: fall
11. Place to be kissed: kiss? whats that?
12. Location for dates: on my coach watching bloody gorry movies.
01. Cried: Nope
02. Bought Something: yeah, cd
03. Gotten Sick: No
04. Sang: Yes
05. Said I Love You: Yep
06. Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them, But Didn't: yes
07. Met Someone New: Yep, haha last night!! ;)
08. Moved On:umm never
09. Talked To Someone: Yep
10. Had A Serious Talk: I don't think so
12. Hugged Someone: Yeah
13. Kissed Someone: no. not since forever ago
14. Fought With Your Parents: no
15. Dreamt About Someone You Can't Be With: every day of my life
16. Had a lot of sleep: No, I can't sleep lately..