A letter to Tumblr

Feb 02, 2011 17:29

Hi guys, look, we're more than happy to associate with you and be sister RP groups and whatever, but we all feel that things are getting a little out of hand.

We understand that your group is new, and that you're all trying to get into the groove of things, but we don't really appreciate all the copying that's going on. We've noticed a lot of things happening in your RP that we've done - for instance, Robin with the laundry thing, and even little things that our group does in our OOC chat (seriously, "mamasupes" and "daddybat," you guys? Really?)

We were just going to brush it off, though, because we like you guys and really, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and all that... but your group's Speedy has seriously offended us all, ESPECIALLY our Speedy. Not only did your Speedy use his username and icon, but he's being a complete mockery of ours.

Please don't take this as an attack or anything, because it's not. We just would really appreciate it if you guys would come up with your own ideas, maybe. And for future reference, please don't use any of our ~things~ like Movie Nights, #sciencetimewithKF, or the whole KF and Speedy soap opera Monday Nights.

We've spent a lot of time building our RP world and have tried very hard to maintain it, so we would appreciate it if you didn't so boldly take our ideas and use them as your own. It just hurts a little, since we extended the hand of friendship and have even been promoting your group for you.
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