Oct 05, 2006 02:41
bored with my scene, bored with life in general, no i'm not suicidal i just need a change.
i'm sick of going out every weekend, getting drunk with the same people (not my friends, but the same people are always out, my friends are awesome, i will always go out with them), with the exception of a few people i only see out i'm bored with the blandness of it all, bored with the repetativeness of it all, same people, same drinks same GOD-DAMN songs (come to the regal, they play red neck woman followed by save a horse ride a cow boy at 1.30 every weekend).
but mostly i'm bored with my scene, sick to death of all these converse clad kiddies who look like me, listen to the same music as me and in essence are me! sometimes i want to scream!.
it's all so god damn generic, every band sounds the same, every band is an "emo" band, everything is "emo", piercings are oh-so-hot.
i'm sick to death of the generic blandness and all these kids going OMG PANIC! are lyk so tottly hotttt lyk yeh! teehehehehe i'm so dumb *cocks head stupidly* everytime i mention a band and get an omg so hot reponse it makes me want to sucker punch the people, because bands are not about attractiveness, get away from me, go back to liking nelly i liked you better when you were like that.
i hate these kids, i look like these kids and i hate them, they annoy me, they're stupid, idiotic, waste of life human beings whos purpose is to do nothing but annoy me, or so it would seem.
i need a change, i need something to break the mold, something to fix it all, i need this trend to end, need these kids to get hit by a train yeh, i tihnk that'd be nice, bye bye little scene kids =).
they drive me nuts 3/4 of the panic! lovers have only heard i write sins not trageties, i swear if i hear that song once more i'm gunna break whoever is playing it, the song was cool 6 months ago when i liked it! now it's overkill, no i don't hate panic! i hate generic crap radio.
meh! i guess i just hate everything right now.
i need something new, perhaps i shall be happy when my emily bracers arrive? maybe, we shall see.
in other news my neice had her baby a week ago now =) great nephew tyler, hope i spelt it right =), poor thing had to have a c section
meh that's it, i'm out of agressive rant material
PLUR (anyone who knows what that stands for gets auto love from me)
you're not so consistant blogger
scene kid,
cute is what we aim for