Aug 22, 2011 21:08
I had to stop and gas up my car on the way to work this morning. As I drove to the gas station, I passed a dead tortoiseshell cat that had been hit by a car. That always hurts to see. I want to stop and gently move the corpse to where it won't get squashed by sadistic drivers. Or maybe in the off chance she was still alive... though I doubt it. It was too dangerous to stop, so I had to drive on.
At the gas station, I noticed a green tree frog about the size of my thumb, perched on the metal guard beside the pump and giving my car the eye, It kept turning its head, staring at the car, and as I pumped gas, I knew what was going to happen next. Sure enough, the moment I put the pump back in its hanger, the little guy took a leap and landed on the front fender. Not wanting to see something else die today (if I drove off, he'd hit the road and get smashed), I caught him. He squirmed, peed all over my hand and managed to struggle free, leaped under the car to the other side, then stuck himself to the passenger door. This time I caught him more securely and marched him to some bushes beside the station. Fortunately the station shop had a sink where I could wash my hands. Look at the thanks I get.
Today was busy thanks to Hurricane Irene bearing down on the islands to the southeast. Early models make it look like it'll sideswipe the east coast of Florida before heading for the Carolinas, but you can never be too sure. I spent the day making new revisions to our hurricane documentation.
And at the gym (haven't mentioned it here, but as part of a general health kick, I joined a gym at the end of July, in an outpatient hospital/rehab center just around the corner from the office). And who should I run into there than my new boss. On one hand, he seemed happy to see fat, slobby me there working out. On the other hand, I'm really not looking my best when I'm there, being all red-faced and sweaty and pudgy.
EDIT: I forgot to mention this at the end, but on the trip home, I heard a long, very ominous roll of thunder despite the absence of any suspicious clouds. Thunder had been shaking the building toward the end of my workout, so I was surprised to see no rain. But as I drove home across the bridge, I saw a huge bolt of lightning. Then another. Bolts out of the blue. I had heard of it, but never seen it before-unnerving.