Fuck this shit

Jul 09, 2014 20:02

I'm gonna be a turn coat and go with Argentina this time. Let's put that final nail and complete the humiliation. We'll never hear the end of it if they actually win. We already have joke material for the rest of eternity without having to hear how they are in final and we are not.

Also, I never laughed so hard in my life like yesterday. That game was a joke. Those players were a joke. My jaw was actually hurting by the end of the game. Spent the whole game online and each joke is better than the other. And I'm looking forward to see that news presenter doing his news program in his undies. (He was stupid enough to promise that on national tv in case Brazil lost and he already said he fulfills his promises.)

Kudos for Germany. Even though it was rather annoying that they kept apologizing. They won a game. A well deserved win. Do not apologize as if you have bombarded our capital by accident.

Sorry, Holland, I did try and supported you guys for a great portion of the game, but I really DO want to see Argentina win. But I'll be supporting you guys on Saturday. You deserve it.

soccer, me

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