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CDC’s Own Scientists Found Masks Ineffective for COVID™ - But Agency Recommended Them Anyway, it's a longish article, but worth a read. It confirms what I said four years ago.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Creation and Propagation's (CDC) own scientists conducted studies showing N95 respirators are no more effective at stopping viruses than surgical masks - yet the agency issued guidance contradicting those and other studies showing both types of masks are ineffective at stopping the spread of COVID-19, according to an investigation by independent journalist Paul D. Thacker.
N-95 masks are definitely essential when working with a Dremel or a power saw. The Dremel produces very fine metal dust that you don't want to inhale. I won't pick up a Dremel without putting on an N-95 mask. Same with power saws: you don't want to be inhaling saw dust. However, the particles a Dremel cutoff wheel produces are EEEEE-NORMOUS when compared to the size of any virus.
During the pandemic fakedemic, mask advocates “shifted goalposts and demanded N95 respirators,” Thacker said, claiming they perform better than surgical masks at stopping the virus.
However, Thacker said CDC scientists found no difference between N95 and surgical masks in the ability to stop the spread of respiratory viruses. The findings of the CDC studies are consistent with other peer-reviewed studies on the efficacy of masks in preventing COVID-19™, according to Thacker.
This was known well before the whole scaredemic. The next door neighbors tore down a perfectly good house to shoehorn this McMansion onto the lot. They had a 7 y/o girl who was a total chatterbox and wanted to talk, talk, talk every time I went outside.It was no wonder why. She was attending this Catlick skoo that mandated cuck muzzles and antisocial distancing. The girl wasn't able to talk to her classmates, and so compensated elsewhere. This same asshole insisted that all visitors wear cuck muzzles. They had some garden party where everyone was muzzled. I printed out 10 copies of a peer reviewed article that demonstrated the uselessness of cuck muzzles and handed them out, just saying I had "Something to think about". Now, the new neighbor was a medical doctor. I wasted my time and paper since he kept on insisting that his daughter and all visitors wear cuck muzzles.
Proving once again that higher education doesn't prevent one from being a total moron, and that a medical degree/license isn't a guarantee against being wrong and stupid.
The systematic review also examined the “effectiveness” of N95 respirators and surgical masks “under ‘real world’” conditions and found “no difference” between the two.
The review also found numerous symptoms reported by N95 mask users, including: “difficulty breathing, headaches, and dizziness; skin barrier damage and itching; fatigue; and difficulty talking.”
You're supposed to wear the mask while working. You can take them off once the dust settles.
According to Thacker, in December 2023, just six days after Cohen’s testimony, The BMJ’s Archives of Disease in Childhood journal published a study finding that “mask recommendations for children are not supported by scientific evidence.”
“Recommending child masking does not meet the accepted practice of promulgating only medical interventions where benefits clearly outweigh harms,” the study authors noted.
Here is your real science as opposed to the Woke SCIENCE! we are to trust blindly and never question. Woke SCIENCE! is the opposite of real science. Questioning the SCIENCE! gets you labeled an anti-science yahoo.
In a 2020 appearance on CBS’ “60 Minutes,” Dr. Anthony Fauci said that while a mask might “block a droplet” and “make people feel a little better,” it does not provide “the perfect protection that people think it is.”
We already knew that Quack Tony "I-am-science" Fraudci changed his mind about cuck muzzles more often than some people change their underwear. Why anyone would listen to a word this shriveled up old gnome said is beyond me.
“I’m not really sure what happened or what we do next,” Thacker wrote. “But something weird took place in America where liberal elites began messaging among themselves ‘masks work.’ They then grew this into a crusade.”
The movement was effective in getting the CDC on board with issuing mask guidance, Thacker said.
Let me explain it to you, Paul. Cuck muzzles were never about preventing you from catching a virus that never existed. It was all about control, and never anything else. The liberal elites made that perfectly clear when they mandated the cuck muzzles while flouting their own laws/regulations/guidance or whatever the fuck you want to call their arbitrary decrees. We saw that on the very day Pretendident LGB was inaugurated. He appeared at the Lincoln Memorial just hours after signing an EO mandating the muzzles on all Federal properties, which the Lincoln Memorial certainly is. Our overlord wannabes never missed a chance to rub our noses in it.
whether that was meeting, unmasked and not antisocial distanced at high end French restaurants, or jetting off to Cancun or states of sanity such as Florida to party it up at discos and nightclubs that were open when they thought we weren't looking. Let's not forget the California beauty shop ordered to open to service a prominent politician that wanted a hair cut.
Cuck muzzles were always for the Little People, the hoi polloi the Great Unwashed Masses, but not for these Superior Beings that "think" they know what's best for you better than you know for yourself and who need to be dragged, kicking and screaming, into their leftoid Promised Land.
The whole fucking plandemic was never about anything else. I told you so four years ago.
Harvey Risch, M.D., Ph.D., professor emeritus and senior research scientist in epidemiology (chronic diseases) at the Yale School of Public Health, told The Disinformation Chronicle the CDC “has succumbed to political influences.”
Risch said:
“It made policies for school closures in order to please the teachers’ union. Its charitable organization allows pharma to feed it hundreds of millions of dollars that would be illegal to go directly to the agency, and this gives pharma major influence on CDC policies.”
Is there any reason to not immediately sic RICO on the CDC? Donald, Robert, are you listening?
INVESTIGATION: CDC Upset Their Own Expert Advisers Not Recommending Masks, Demands They Recommend Masks English summary here More lynx to articles