This Surprises You?

Nov 06, 2023 05:45

Here you see Congresscritter Mike Gallagher pitching a hissy over the young 'uns who come out to demonstrate in favour of Hamas: Why Do Young Americans Support Hamas? Look at TikTok. He jussdoanunnerstannit.

According to a Harvard/Harris poll, 51 percent of Americans ages 18-24 believe Hamas was justified in its brutal terrorist attacks on innocent Israeli citizens on October 7.

I read that statistic at a time where I thought I’d lost the capacity to be shocked (It's FUKINSHOCKIN!). For weeks, I’ve seen the clips and read the firsthand stories documenting Hamas’s atrocities: burned bodies, decapitated babies, raped women, children tied together with their parents, mutilated corpses. I’d seen the rallies on elite campuses celebrating Hamas’s murderous cause, the faculty letters excusing the terrorists. I thought I had grasped the extent of the moral rot. I thought I had seen the bottom.

But I hadn’t. (He didn't)

How did we reach a point where a majority of young Americans hold such a morally bankrupt view of the world? Where many young Americans were rooting for terrorists who had kidnapped American citizens-and against a key American ally? Where were they getting the raw news to inform this upside-down world view?

"How did we reach a point where a majority of young Americans hold such a morally bankrupt view of the world?", he asks. Then he goes on and on, blaming the Chinese, or that these young 'uns are watching Tik-Tok videos, or something. Of course, those inscrutable Chinese put a spell on all Tik-Tok vids to take control of your mind and make you think the thinks the CCP wants you to think. Or something.

No, Mike, put the blame where it belongs: on the schools. The one thing kids do not now, or ever, learn is critical thinking. To never believe in anything, to question everything, and to ask to see the evidence before believing anything or any one.

Critical thinking is the one thing no government, regardless of how oppressive or benevolent it may be, will tolerate. The one thing no government wants is subjects who ask questions rather than obey. This is why school is structured the way it is. The main lesson taught in school isn't readin', ritin', and 'rithmetic. No, the main lesson is sitting still and being quiet -- for hours on end. This is highly unnatural for children, and the child who doesn't quickly master this demand is deemed defective (i.e. ADD, ADHD, ODD, other bullshit, nonexistent, "diseases" that require parents to force feed their kids mind destroying chemicals like Ritalin that will life ruin them). Once you have mastered sitting still and being quiet, you will succeed and need to learn little else. Where else are the mindless drones to come from?

Therefore, kids are never taught how to recognize propaganda for what it is. If you insulate American kids from Chi-Comm propaganda, you also insulate them from US FedGov propaganda. The FedGov can't have that.

This is why kids swallow all the pro-Hamas propaganda that sends them into the streets to protest for terrorists. Let's face the facts: Hamas is better at propaganda than Israel.

They swallowed the propaganda that had them accepting antisocial distancing, the deprivation of companionship, learning, extra curricular activities, the cuck muzzles and the magic circles without a peep of protest. They believed without question, and did the gov't's work for it: all those COVID Javerts who screamed at anyone going about their business unmuzzled, who strayed out of the magic circles, who came too close. The same gov't vaxaganda that sent tens of millions to line up for a new, never before tried, inadequately tested, "vaccine" (that was never a vaccine in the first place, but rather a genetic modification) for a cold bug with a 99.97+% recovery rate, without question. Never mind that the COVID Cooties don't affect children or young adults to any great extent.

This Gallagher asshole says he's "shocked". I'm shocked that Gallagher claims to be shocked when the American public and private schools Gov't Indoctrination Centers boomerang. Cry me a f'kin river and drown in it.

Hundreds of thousands of kids in the streets protesting Israel? Mike: you willingly serve the system that made that possible. So quitcherbitchin and own it, Hypocrite.

hypocrites, republicants, politics, assholes

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