Found this article on Substack. It's a long one, so I won't be quoting extensively. You really need to see it for yourself:
BREAKING: Israeli MoH data released in March 2023 proves the vaccines are killing people. How come nobody noticed?? Hello!?!?. There's a subtitle: n March 2023, MIT Professor Retsef Levi disclosed a troubling figure produced by the Israeli Ministry of Health. This is unassailable proof the vaccines are killing people. Nobody noticed..
Executive summary
- The vaccines are clearly killing people. You can see that from the Israeli MoH data. But that data was first made public in a tweet from MIT Professor Retsef Levi on March 7, 2023. It made no difference.
- The medical community and health authorities are simply inept or corrupt or both. You cannot have a 9X variation in Figure 2. That’s crazy. Any sane person would have demanded an end to the vaccine program immediately. How come everyone in mainstream medicine missed this?
- Your risk of death monotonically increases from the time you get the shot, peaking at around 3 to 4 months after shot #2. For other doses, it just climbs and then plateaus.
There is more listed in the article. Some graphs:
This chart plots numbers of deaths versus days post shit-shot injection. The "First Period" is up to 30 days post myocarditis shot. The second is the next 30 days. This isn't what you'd expect to see for a safe vaccine. It does, however, agree closely with that of a deliberate soft kill bioweapon. If masses of people were dropping within seconds or minutes of an injection, it would be too obvious that it was a deliberately lethal injection. Better to delay the deadly effects for plausible deniability.
The same chart, but with finer detail. Here you see a peak of death from ABV disease at ~116 days post heart stopper shot. again, we see the profile, not of a safe medication, but a deliberate weapon of mass depopulation with delayed effects so's not to panic the sheeple who're being led to the slaughter.
Why doctors aren’t noticing the deaths from the COVID™ vaccine and how it has been able to stay under the radar
Simple. Doctors are expecting most deaths from a vaccine to happen shortly after injection. If you die 6 months later, it couldn’t have been the vaccine.
Now we know it’s the reverse… that it’s more likely you’ll die 3-6 months after the shot than immediately after the shot.
This is why the COVID™ vaccine looks so “safe.” It’s because it kills slowly with a crescendo. Doctors have no idea about the response curve (because it is kept hidden from them).
Keep this in mind if your doctor tries pushing these clot-shots on you. You are more likely to be vaxagandated and encouraged to take your stroke shit-shots now that autumn is here, and with it, flu season. The vaxaganda has been ramping up, especially over radio. I would also advise not taking any flu shots. These really aren't all that effective, even in more normal times. Furthermore, you can't be sure these new "flu" shots aren't also mRNA genetic modifications. The technology, not the object, that is way too dangerous for use.
If you haven't taken any heart stopper shit-shots, DON'T. If you have, don't take any more and hope you got a "bad" batch. The mRNA shit-shots need to be kept at -70°C (dry ice temps) to stay "good", and a lot of places didn't have that capability. A lot of phials went off due to "improper" storage. Play Vax Roulette often enough and the hammer will drop on a loaded cylinder.
Remember: these data are coming from Israel -- one of the few countries that went all-in on the plandemic. Along with some parts of Australia, New Zealand, and Austria, they imposed the most onerous lock-downs, the most pressure to take the brain damaging shit-shots, the most coercive "mandates". That means ESSSSS-loads of guinea pigs for data collection.