Apr 02, 2006 18:25
hi everyone i havint updated in so long i was bored so i was reading all my old entrys.....wow looking back to last year i was like so depressed half the time but last year was also so much fun this year is just so boring i thought it would be so much more interesting b/c were in a new school and all but i guess not. its really weird im having all these mixed feeling i think i like someone again that i already liked but idk i think it just might be b/c i dont have anyone else to like right now idk...im going to wait a little to see how i feel and if i still feel the same way im going to write him a note to tell him how i feel again...i told him a few months ago but he said he just wanted to be friends but idk maybe he changed his mind idk...ok well im going to eat dinner