Well I have not done this for a bit. Basically because all I would have done recently is rant, I had a really annoying few days right when I planned to do this properly. So I left it, calmed down etc etc. Now the jobs are done and my two boys are asleep (hubby and baby) I can do this properly.
I have been busy up to my eyes lately dealing with my inheritence, The liquid assets aren't through yet, but will be more than we thought, looking at £16-17K here. I have it earmarked as you know. But the real busy busy is the house. When I went up to visit my parents I helped dad a little with clearing it. That was emotive, being in the house for the first time since my grandfather passed. I have been running around like crazy to get the paperwork done to get the house into the local auction house's next sale. Despite some severe fail on the part of Royal Mail (some of their special delivery drivers in Nottingham are liars, sorry, it has to be said!) it is now going ahead, and all being well will be sold on August 20th. Then begins the process of looking for a house near us to buy.
Also the saga of my birth control rumbles on. You may remember my rant from a little while back. Well I went to my next appointment to try and have my coil fitted only to find out the lab had lost my swabs, had no record of them. I felt likv screaming. Worse, they couldn't redo them as I was on my period (as the requested ofr my coil fitting) and they could do neither my swabs or my smear. So I have to go back on the tenth to have swabs and smear done, and with any luck, I might actually get to have the damn thing fitted on the 25th August. Hopefully with no more cockups.
As for baby, he weighed 13lbs 1 oz on the 21st at his last weigh in, so is now close to a stone in weight. he has rvally settled into a night rhythm. Without fail he wakes for feeds round 1 am and 4:30 am, and then at 6:30 am for a quick poo, a quick play with daddy, and then into his morning nap. Seriously, you can set your watch by him. And he now sleeps in his own bed, no longer with us, he;s outgrown his carry cot. So mummy and daddy have their room back. Today hubby and I took him swimming to the public baths in Newbury. He loved it, and we were in the water for three quaters of an hour, until he decided he was hungry. Today I also retired all his newborn clothes, and finally got out all of his 0-3 months clothes. They are roomy on him, but no longer drowning him. So I took ages to pack away all the clothes from the last three months and got out all the new stuff for him to wear. He has learnt to squeal and is such a happy babe. He is skipping rolling in favour of trying to sit. And 'row, row, the boat' can calm him in ANY situation. Can you tell how much in love I am? We have arranged his christening for the 13th September so there will be pics if him in a christening gown around that time!
Garden wise, our first crop of potatoes is in and almost finished, and in its place are three melon plants, winter spinach and a load of winter cauliflower plants. We are enjoying our summer cauliflowers now, I brought in a few kilos of onions (winter brocolli has been planted in its place), and we are eating our cabbages, courgettes and summer spinach. Our summer brocolli is all done. We are waiting on our babycorn which is flowering nicely and is showing signs of fruiting at last. Our tomatoes are producing and ripening, though the peppers are a way off yet. My strawberries and raspberries are going into a second flowering and I will get a second crop in the next few weeks. So I am working on the winter seedlings ready for the second potato crop coming in as well as the cauliflower and cabbag plants vacating the main vegetable patch. Last weekend I planted carrot, cabbage, kale and beetroot seeds and all are sprouting brilliantly in less than a week. I am going to have more plants than I need so my neighbours will have winter veg too.
And that... that is all my news for now. Its been good to catch up and I hope to have pictures and vids soon!