And what a week we've had...
Monday saw the week in a less than stellar way, with the boss announcing that if sales don't pick up this month, then redundancy is on the cards (this goes for the sales team of three, yours truly included), so to say I have been stressing a bit is an understatement. However I have let go of thast now. What will be will be, I have ranted enough about it here and elsewhere so no more. We have financial contingencies so its not worth getting my knickers in an absolute twist over. Sure its damned inconvenient but I'm stopping work in 8 weeks anyway. So fine, stuff it.
Monday is also our parenting class day, I forgot to report on opur first class at 27 weeks so shall do so now. It was fun, at one point the seperated the men from the women and we were asked to put together a list of questions we wanted answered in these sessions. The women come up with a list of technical questions pertaining to birth etc. The men started with 'How long will she hate me for?' Us women were killing ourselves laughing at them. poor guys. But they had some practical questions too, like what their role would be etc. Monday's session was more technical, pain relief, options, how the baby travels through the birth canal etc. Though watching the men go pale at the mention and pictures of episiostomies was so soo amusing. Yeah guys, this is the crap we women go through to bear your children. You really do have it easy you know.
On Thursday I got selected as winner of a writing competition (also gone on here at length about that so won't do it again) which did a hell of a lot to lift me up, make me feel better about myself and things. Very welcome after Monday's news. Something else happened Thursday... My body decided to indicate that it is gearing up for breastfeeding. My boobs have begun to leak colostrum. Hohum, time to start wvaring a bra 24/7 with pads in it to catch the leakage. Though it does give me hope that breastfeeding will go well, and there is a certain amount of pride in me, strange as that may sound, that my body seems to be doing as it should. And hell, at least my boobs haven't been expanding for nothing. Lord knows I am actually a little frightened of how big they have become.
Now to Friday and looking forward to a long weekend. I have some holiday owed to me which I need to take or lose by the end of the month. So I am taking the 19th, the 26th and the 30th off. Since I am getting more and more tired with baby of late (sheer size and being kicked during the night), the chores getting more and more difficult, the extra time will be welcome to catch up and rest a little, help me through the coming weeks. Monday I was having off to take delivery of our dresser. Now I shan't be doing that as it has arrived early and hubby spent all of yesterday building it, the good man. To that end I have another video for you, so you can see the nursery coming together.
Click to view
I also have this week's pic for you.
So there you go, my up and down week. Now I have stories I need to finish posting over today and tomorrow.