Feb 07, 2007 03:52
Guinness is lying next to me sleeping right now. He is adorable. I hate when people say that about their dogs or talk about them like that, but I do now, haha. Lets see, I found out that my anatomy and physiology professor canceled our exam on the first 4 chapters. It's honestly such a relief. Now, our grade will be based on 7 tests, each worth 100 points. I can take it as a practice test, which, i might do just to familiarize myself with her test style. Tomorrow I only have Algebra, and how knows if we had homework. I have to look that up. I'm thinking at most just two sections of problems and since the class doesn't start till 6pm then i have time to do them. And, I need to catch up on my computer class as well. Organizational Psychology was fun today because we just had a lecture and it was actually interesting.
EX: did you know that even today, we were only made to live until 30? That is why we have so many health problems as we age, because our bodies aren't made for it. I also learned that people have only been living the way we do, in the history of the world, for a very, very short period of time. So, it's a socio-cultural revolution that is all about rapid change. OH! And, I also learned that our bodies were made to protect us from physical harm and keep germs out as well but we have nothing inside of us that helps us deal with emotional or psychological problems. We weren't built to juggle school, work, bills, relationships, children,etc. We were basically made to do one thing and then rest. Like, go pick berries and then rest. And, when the agricultural revolution happened we planted seeds, stayed in the same location, didn't go hungry and had more time to build things(like the wheel, so we can assume the person who invented it was NOT a hungry person) and then rested afterward. It made me think, about the whole anorexia thing. If basic human progress needs nutrition to happen then why or how do we exist on nothing? Is it limiting our creative and logical thinking? Back then, we would have been lucky to find a deer or something to eat. These days, with many options, i find myself refusing food. I'd be really interested in what an intelligent psychologist had to say about that. Could it honestly be a coping mechanism since we supposedly weren't provided with one? And, how did it come to be that a certain percentage of our population has eating disorders? Imagine if everyone in the world, had an eating disorder. We would all be extinct, sooner rather than later. And, what does that say about us?
I also learned that everyone who does something, thinks it is rational at the time. Only observers see it as irrational. No one in the world will do something they think doesn't make sense. So, brain chemistry and electricity has everything to do with, everything. And, now I almost feel bad that I let myself judge people sometimes, because they might have fucking weird actions but I do not know what happened to them to bring them to that point. It's something to think about.
Also, my daddy came to see me today. I wish he would have stayed longer, because I like to visit with him and I barely get to see him. Another side note is that my parents are apparently going to open another business. I've known this for awhile, I just don't know what to think and dont want to get my hopes up for them and have something go wrong. I wish them all the best though. :)
So, with that I'm going to sleep now, hopefully. Peace.