Jan 14, 2004 19:55
School was so boring today until I went to 4th hour.
Jessel was helping me study for my american history
test and I go "portugal" and he goes "did you say
pork chops?" and I started cracking up laughing.
This was all happening while we were supposed to be
having our 30 minute recreational reading, haha.
And so, I go... "have you seen deuce bigalow?" and then
he starts cracking up laughing. We aren't supposed to be
talking so he writes down on a piece of paper "did you
say steak?" and I freakin started laughing so damn hard.
He's laughing, i'm laughing, it was good times.
I haven't laughed that hard in so long. I was crying
from laughing. I guess you have to see the movie, hahaha!
I went into Pizza Hut today and the manager wants me to
come in on Friday at 3:00. Hopefully I get the job.
I don't really want to work there just because I loved all
the people at Target and I made $6.50 there, but I need
a job fast or my dad will start bitching about car insurance
again. I really hate when people complain about having
to pay $100 a month on insurance...TRY $265! And
when people complain about having to pay for their own
gas but their parents pay for their insurance, or vice
versa! DAMN YOU ALL!
I reeaallyy don't want to go to school tomorrow but we
have a short week so I should just save the absences.
I'm so freaking frustrated! Why can't life be easy? haha
Why can't I get what I want, when I want it!?
I need a nice good punch in the face.
by the thought of you
by the sight of you
by the words you say
Maroon 5
p.s. I saw Steven outside his house today
and he WAVED! I wanted to get out of my
car and smash his face in. What was I supposed to
do? Wave back and pretend everything is okay?
TRY NO! :\
EDIT: I just got home from the gym
with Samiha and it relieved a lot of stress but
i'm still so frustrated. I don't even know
how to explain it. I don't understand why
I feel the way I feel because there is no
rational reason why I should.
It's so complicated. I'll sleep it off.