Feb 11, 2009 21:15
run down of things going on lately:
- week. from. hell. the only reason i am even posting this right now is because i am doing some major procrastination for studying for my huuuuge history exam. which my roommates so kindly pointed out is 25% of my grade. thanks guys. oh, and did i mention this will be my THIRD exam this week. and on top of that ive have 2 speaker events i have to attend (one last night, one tomorrow), a major stats group assignment, and some rando fundraising stuff for my mexico trip over spring break.
+ i am going to mexico for spring break! i'm doing another service trip and working with an orphanage/children's center down there. i'm excited/scared/nervous/can't wait.
- i have two new addictions: sporcle.com and sporkle.com. yes, i discovered the second one when i misstyped in the first one's name. unless you have an insane amount of time to waste, do not go on either one. really. you'll hate yourself.
- i STILL do not have an internship for the summer. it is getting depressing. i don't know what to do. i don't know how many more times i can interview and then receive a rejection letter. it sucks.
+ i'm going to daytona after school gets out! it's a big school tradition/clusterfuck kinda. and it works because i turn 21 on the 4th and daytona activities start the 5th. ugggh. i cannot wait to be 21.
+ school has been going well so far. i mean, aside from never having time for anything during the week besides school work. and then sometimes i literally cannot go out on the weekends because i am sooo tired or i have too much homework. but it's not sooo bad. i like most of my classes, especially marketing, which is becoming a dilemna for me. i kinda want to change majors. but it's waaaay to late. uggggh.