May 17, 2009 22:51
Well, I'm moved in with John and Brenda now. It's really not bad here. My room feels so much bigger, and I can actually fit my mini fridge in it! The closet space is tiny, but I don't have a lot of clothes. Just a lot of stuff, but thank God I have bed raisers.
So mom keeps trying to get in contact with me, but only for one reason: to tell me to mail her her check. All she cares about is money! I understand that she needs it, I know they have nothing, but she only calls to remind me to send it. No "Hello, how are you?". Or even "Are you alright?" "I'm sorry I ditched you and left you to fend for yourself." I drive like 20 miles TO work and FROM work now, and I had to get rid of Tigra. My rent went up about 50 bucks, my hours at work have been going down......and she doesn't even care. I've tried talking to her about various things, and she doesn't listen. Example: I told her last week about Tigra going to a coworker, and explained the whole situation. She commented where appropriate (then asked me to send her her check). Two days ago, she reminds me about the freakin check, then starts asking if I took Tigra to the shelter because she was disconnecting the electricity in the townhome (she wouldn't even let me stay longer in the townhome so she could save money). I was shocked that she was asking that. "Mom, didn't you hear me? I already told you about that! Tigra's going with a coworker." She had no idea about anything I had spoken to her about. It only proved how much she really cared.
After everything that's happened in the past few years, how I can I trust someone when they say "I love you"? My family is supposed to love me, and they're the ones who've hurt me the most. Their rejection was worse than any other rejection I've ever felt.
God, mend my heart. It's in so many pieces right now.