(no subject)

Sep 01, 2009 04:22

I can't set my hopes too high
cause every hello ends with a goodbye.

when life is like a hurricane, flying off the rails like a fast train
everything around me is so insane
you come and take it all away, you're my sunday

for the love you bring, oh yea everything
for the breath you give, you're my cause to live
for everything under the sun, i owe you one.

i will help you keep your smile,
promise me you'll stay a while

I'm fighting with myself
I can't hurt you even though you hurt me

I've gone through seasons waiting for you with nothing changing, but the weather.

I need you. I don't know why, but every now and then in my life for no reason at all.
I need you.

I wish you were here. Wish I was there.
Wish it was different. Wish wishes came true.
I'd wish you back.

I like the stories that the mouth can't tell fast enough.
The ears that aren't big enough.
They eyes that can't take in all the change.
I like the hugging, the bringing together, the end of missing someone.

Sometimes there doesn't even have to be a reason. I knew from experience that no matter how much you turn things in your head, trying to make sense of them, some people just defy all logic.

The thing is, there is never a time when you'll be more honest,
when your convictions will be stronger or
your motives will be more pure than they are right now. Which means you should
chase whatever it is that excites you. Be confident and take risks.

Smooth roads never make good drivers.
Smooth seas never make good sailors.
Clear skies never make good pilots and
a problem-free life never makes a strong person.
Be strong enough to accept challenges in life,
don't ask life "why me?" instead, say "try me."

When we finally walked separate lives,
I realized that a moment spent without you is
like dying stars which slowly leave the sky empty.

You're so good at lying,
it could be your degree.
Then you could minor in messing with me.
I give you a thousand reasons why,
and you give me the excuse
that it's not worth your time.

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