it`s 6am and i`m wide awake so here i go..
[Section 1 - Basics]
Name:: Liz
Gender:: Female
Height:: 5'6?
Weight:: 120`s
Ring size:: no clue.
Pants size:: 5 or 7
Shirt size:: Small or Medium
Shoe size:: 9
Piercings:: Ears twice + cartilidge
Tatoos:: None
Hair color:: Blonde
Hair length:: umm..sorta long but i want it longer
Eye color:: Blue
Zodiac sign:: Scorpio
Chinese zodiac sign:: Idk
Body type/size:: Um..Tallish i guess?
Birthday:: Oct. 25
Birthplace:: Sinai Hospital ; ferndale
Place now:: Ferndale
Race/ethnicity:: Cracka!! .. polish + french
School and grade/year:: HPHS..gonna be a sophomore =D!
Natural hair color:: Strawberry blonde
GPA:: --
Blood type:: --
Hobbies:: Volleyball, School, Friends, etc.
I.Q.:: ...?
Do you excercise:: Yes
Are you healthy:: I hope so..!
Fun?:: Oh yes
Serious?:: Sometimes I try to be
Sarcastic?:: sometimes
Funny?:: i`d say so
Cute?:: In a ditsy way
Pretty?:: Sometimes
Good-looking?:: I don`t think i`d say That..
Beautiful?:: No
Optimistic?:: Sometimes
Smart?:: When i want to be
Oppinionated?:: Very much so.
Outgoing?:: Most of the time
Shy?:: Sometimes
Unique?:: Most definetly.
Sweet?:: Sure O:-)
Hyper?:: Yes
Talkative?:: you bet!
Creative?:: Yes
Imaginative?:: Yes
Gloomy?:: well all have our day`s
Happy?:: usually
Depressed?:: no
Silly?:: always =)
Loud?:: Yes
Quiet?:: rarely
Dependant?:: Yes
Loyal?:: Very
Truthful?:: Yes
Clever?:: i try to be but i don`t think so, lol.
Confident?:: not really but i`m workin on it! -lol.
Annoying?:: I can be
Artistic?:: NO WAY - i draw stick people!
Musical?:: i used to play piano + guitar.
Poetic?:: Somtimes
Charming?:: nah
Wise?:: A little
Special?:: =) of course!
Magickal?:: hell yes.
Sensitive?:: i try not to be but sometimes
Lustful?:: idk
Sexy?:: =-O!
Horny?:: No
Loving?:: Yes.
Lazy?:: =\ Oh yes! Lol
Stylish?:: Sure I am 8-)
Normal?:: Who is..?
Psycho?:: Most definetly
Goofy?:: Always
Brave?:: It depends.
[Section 2 - This or that about you]
Righty/lefty:: Righty
Glasses/contacts/none:: contacts
Punk/goth/prep/thug/none:: i`d say Prep
Innie/outie:: Innie
Tan/pale/average:: Average i guess?
Freckles/none:: Not with the help of my cover up =)!
[Section 3 - Family]
Mom's name:: Michele
Dad's name:: Kevin
Siblings/their names/their ages::Sarah + Michael
Dead family members:: maybe some great-uncles + aunts or something, and my Mom`s dad (Grandpa)
Do you live with your siblings?:: One of them.
Parents married/divorced/neither?:: Neither
Parents together/separated/dating/none?:: None
Do you have any stepparents?:: Nope.
Ex-stepparents?:: Nope.
Do you have any children of your own?:: HELLL no!
If so, what are their names and ages? If not, do you want any?:: maybe..probbly not!
[Section 4 - Favorites]
Color:: PINK! =)
Food:: sushi
Drink:: Root beer
Candy:: Swedish Fish
Flavor:: Grape
Movie:: ScarFace, The NoteBook, A Walk To Remember, 2Fast2Furious, The Girl Next Door, Mean Girls, How To Deal, All the Scary Movies, Harold + Kumar Go To White Castle, and many more..
Band:: Many
Show:: Lots...too many to name
Game:: DDR
Element:: Fire
Music type:: I listen to everything besides country.
Actor:: Ashton Kutcher
Actress:: Hmm..there are a lot
Month:: Either June or October
Season:: Fall
Holiday:: x*mas
Shampoo/conditioner:: Mane & Tail
Song:: "Behind These Hazel Eyes"-Kelly Clarkson, "Helena"-Chemical Romance, "Beautiful"-I forget what band, "The Freshman"- Verve Pipe
Number:: i don`t really have one..
Phrase:: OH MY GOD
Word:: silly
Magazine:: Cosmo Girl
Restaurant:: Mongolian Bbq!
Sport:: Volleyball
Animal:: A liger ;]
Language:: English...after all, it`s all i speak =)
Girl's name:: Nicole, Madelyn, Christine
Boy's name:: *Landon*
Flower:: Daisys =)!
Country:: USA baby!
Weather:: Sunny
Person:: hmmmmm..i dk!
[Section 5 - Sex]
Sexual preference:: Boys --duhhh.
Are you a virgin?:: Yes.
Do you like to have sex?:: see above.
Do you like to have oral sex?:: No
Do you like to have anal sex?:: GROSS!!!
Do you like to give more or get more?:: --
Do you usually give more or get more?:: --
Does size matter?:: --
Do you like to kiss?:: Yes
French kiss?:: Yes
Make out?:: Yes
Favorite position:: N/A
Are you more dominant?:: --
Or more submissive?:: --
Are you more sadistic?:: --
Or more masochistic?:: --
Do you like to use toys?:: Lol
Cuffs?:: ;)
Bondage?:: --
Wax?:: --
Clothes pins/ clamps?:: Ouch!
Chains?:: Hehe;)
Gags?:: --
Collars?:: umm nooo..
Leashes?:: For dogs...
Whips?:: ;)
Paddles?:: --
Other things?:: ;)
Do you look at porn?:: No
Do you masturbate?:: i`ll just leave that to your imagination ;) Lol J/K!
[Section 6 - Friends]
Would you consider yourself "popular"?: I don`t erally think there ARE "popular people" in our school, just certain people hang out with certain people!
Would you rather have a lot of friends or a few good friends?:: Few Good Ones
Who is your best friend?:: amanda arafat
Do you have a lot of friends?:: I`ve never counted
How many good friends would you say you had?:: Like ..idk
Are you a good friend?:: Yes
Has anyone ever told you that you were a good friend?:: Yes
Has anyone ever told you that you were a bad friend?:: Yes.
Do you tend to be more outgoing or shy?:: More Outgoing
Do you consider yourself to be better than your friends?:: No way
Do you consider you and your friends to be better than everyone else?:: No!
Do you think your friends ever get tired of you?:: Yea on occasion
Do you ever get tired of your friends?:: Depends on who; but not really.
Do you like to make new friends?:: Yes
Do you talk a lot?:: Ohhh yes.
Are you nervous when you talk to people?:: Depends on who it is.
Do you ever say your someone's friend just to make them feel good?:: like once in a great while
Do you ever lie about who your friends are?:: No way thats stupid!
Do you ever play people as friends to make yourself look good?:: fuck no!
[Section 7 - Love]
Do you believe in love?:: Maybe, i`m not quite sure.
Do you believe in love at first sight?:: See above
What is love?:: ..umm i`ve got an idea -- a mix between Love, heartbreak, passion, lust, confusion, butterflies, and a whole lot of crying! lol.
Have you ever been love?:: Nope. i mean i dont think so?
Are you now?:: No
Have you ever told someone you loved them?:: No way!
If so, were you telling the truth?:: i nver did
Are you married/divorced/neither?:: Neither
Are you with someone/single/dating/none?:: None
Do you believe in soulmates?:: No, i think someone has many different oppurtunitys for a "soul mate" .. i think everyone get`s signs, it just depends on them how they read Them..If you don`t get what i`m syaing watch the movie "serendipity" - lol.
Could you ever fall in love with someone of a different religion?:: Yeah!
Different ethnicity?:: Idk
Same gender?:: No.
Different political views?:: Sure
Do you love certain material possesions?:: Yes.
Certain hobbies?:: Yes
Your friends?:: Yes
Your family?:: Yes
Yourself?:: Sometimes
Do you have a crush?:: I wish..but no.
Do you care how people look?:: Oh yes. =\
Would you date someone who was sweet even if they weren't good-looking?:: Idk..I would want to but I have to admit, i`m kinda of shallow =(
Would you date someone hott even if they were assholes?:: no
Would you date someone who was nice to you but asshole to others?:: Well i don`t know..
Would you date someone for their money?:: umm no? .. hehe 8-) lol j/k!
Would you use someone?:: Nooope!
Have you used someone?:: no way.
Have you dated someone just for their money?:: No
Have you ever dated someone who was sweet but weren't good-looking:: no .. well some people that i used to think were hot, i now think are HIDEOUS though.
Have you ever dated someone who was hott even though they were an asshole?::some of them i thought were hot at the time, so yes.
Have you ever dated someone who was nice to you but an asshole to others?:: Yes
Would you ever date someone because you were desperate?:: yeah.
Have you?:: yeah.
Would you ever date someone for sexual reasons?:: No
Have you?:: No
Would you ever have an internet bf/gf?:: Yeah right, talk about pathetic!
Have you?:: No thats so gay
[Section 8 - Politics and such]
Are you a democrat?:: No
Or a republican?:: No
Or independent?:: Yes
How do you feel about abortion?:: It dpeends on the situation
Gay marriage?:: Fine by me, they love eachother then who cares what sex they are but i dont want to have anything to do with it!
Smoking?:: Nasty&Smelly
Marijuana?:: what can i say? 8-) lol
Drugs?:: Stupid
Illegal immigrants?:: hey, i`m one of them! -- j/k.
Premarital sex?:: Umm yeah..this is the 21st century people! lol. i just don`t believe in really young people losing their virginity to look cool or think they`re mature or something b/c it makes them loko sooo immature it`s not even funny! but if you love the person truely, then i think it`s fine.
Porn?:: Ewwww
Alcohol?:: Jesus juice =)! lol.
Racism?:: Horrible
Whores/prostitution?:: Exactly as stated
Cloning?:: Weird
Suicide?:: wow so sad!~
Death penalty?:: take someone`s life, get you`re taken .. what`s fair is fair as long as the proof is obvious.
Religion in government?:: W.e.
Our president?:: A stupid retard!
Downloading music?:: Awesome 8-)!
Burning CDs?:: Awesome!
Welfare?:: Yes i`m for it! lol.
Animal testing?:: Fucking Horrible!
Gambling?:: Awesome!
School uniforms?:: BLEH!
One nation, under God?:: Indivisible with liberty and justic for all =)
[Section 9 - Religious beliefs]
What religion do you practice?:: I`m catholic but I wanna be christian! lOl..
Have you ever practiced a religion besides the one you practice now?:: No
Has someone ever tried to force you into believing certain things?:: No
Has someone ever tried to force you to practice another religion?:: No
Do you go/have you been to religious gatherings?:: Yea
What religion are your parents?:: Same as me
Do your parents care if you practice the same religion as them or not?:: Yeah my mom makes me stay catholic
Do they know what religion you practice?:: Yea
Are you open about your beliefs?:: Yea
Have you ever lied about your religious beliefs to look cool?:: No
Do you believe a superior being exists/ existed and created life?:: Yes
One God?:: One god, we just all see him/her differently
Many Gods?:: Only One
Does God/do the Gods have a gender?:: I don`t think so, I don`t think God is humanly at all
No God?:: There`s definetly a God
"Big Bang Theory?":: I used to believe that, but not anymore
Heaven/Hell?:: Yes.
Jesus?:: Yes.
Angels/demons?:: Yes but I don`t believe angel`s are people that come back b/c people don`t come back from the dead.
Spirits?:: Yes.
Ghosts?:: OH yes.
Reincarnation?:: I used to belive in it but not aymore
The trinity?:: Sure
Miracles?:: I believe them happen but none have ever happened to me.
Aliens?:: No
Magick?:: Yes
Witchcraft?:: I think it`s out there.
Tarot?:: Depends.
Psychics?:: Phsycic`s only know half the truth.
Vampires/werewolves/other?:: Umm no.
Prayer?:: People are dumb because some people pray for stuff and if they don`t get it, they don`t believe in God, and that`s so effin` stupid. i believe in prayer but Not to pray for Things, just to talk to god.
Rituals?:: Strange
Fate?:: That`d be sweet if it was true but idkkk..
Predestination?:: ?
Horoscopes?:: Fun To Read
Astrology?:: ^^
Superstitions?:: they`re cool I geuss but I don`t have any.
Luck?:: There IS such thing as luck but i don`t know how it works or anything ilke that.
Telepathy?:: Weird
Energies?:: Huh?
Familiars?:: Idk...
Sacred animals?:: Cute
Animals are superior, inferior or equal to humans?:: A couple steps below us.
Initiation ceremonies?:: ?
Night and day differ for a religious reason?:: W.e.
Ethnicity making someone superior/inferior to others?:: No
Does your religion forbid anything?:: No
Do you dress certain ways to express your religion?:: No way!
Do other people assume what religion you practice by what you wear?:: No
Are humans/animals naturally good/evil/neutral/depends?:: Depends
Do you meditate/fast/chant/other?:: No lol
Do you believe/agree with everything about your religion?:: No
Do you believe you're right and no one elses religion matters?:: um NO
Do you ever doubt your religion or religious beliefs?:: Yes
Do you believe in yourself?:: I try to.
Are you open to other religions?:: Sure
Do you feel superior to people who don't believe the same things as you?:: No
Do you think everyone should practice your religion?:: No
Do you even believe in anything?:: If i didn`t, i`d have no purpose.
Are you interested in learning about other religions?:: Yeah.
Anything else about your religion?:: .. just that i think people (including myself) get too wrapped up about material thing`s and stuff that really doesn`t even matter when i think earth is only a small life-time for us and people should look at the big picture instead of doing waht they want to do, when they want to do it, not caring about anything, because then they`re gonna wind up no where and they`ll regret it so bad so why even have to make a mistake to realize what You should & shouldn`t do?
[Section 10 - Animals]
Do you have any pets?:: Yes
If so what are they? 2 dogs (Ruby + Bubbles), 2 cats (Emma + Hazel) If not, do you want any?:: ...
What kind of pet would you like to have?:: I also want antoher Puppy! =)
What is your favorite color on animals?:: Black w/ an orange face and orange paws =)
Do you believe people should keep pets?:: Yes
Should all animals be free?:: Not All
Do you enjoy animals?:: Yes
Do you like taking care of animals?:: Yes
Do you animals keep you company?:: All the time!
Do you kill animals?:: NO!
Do you hunt?:: NO!
Do you hate animals?:: NO!
Do you think animals have feelings?:: o`course they do =)
Do you like small/big/all/no animals?:: all but preferably small
Do you think animals are treated poorly?:: Some are and it`s really sad.
Do you wish you could change the way people act towards animals?:: Yes
[Section 11 - This or that]
Big/small:: Depends
Cat/dog:: Dog
Black/white:: White
Coffee/tea:: Coffee
Pepsi/coke:: Both
Soda/other:: Pop lol.
Wine/beer:: Wine
Pulp/none:: None
Scary/comedy:: Both
Books/magazines:: Magizenes
Noise/silence:: Noise
Winter/summer:: Summer
Autumn/spring:: Autumn
Summer/spring:: Summer
Winter/autumn:: Autumn
Night/day:: Depends
Hugs/kisses:: Both
Life/death:: Life!
TV/movie:: Movie
TV/book:: Tv
Fruits/vegetables:: Fruits
Meat/vegetables:: Meat
Cigarettes/alcohol:: Alcohol
Cold/hot:: Depends
Normal/different:: Different but not TOO different, lol.
Male/female:: --
School/none:: School
Red/blue:: Blue
Smart/fun:: Fun
Love/hate:: Love
Salt/sugar:: SALT
Chocolate/vanilla:: Vanilla
Evil/good:: Good
Clean/dirty:: Clean
Angel/demon:: Angel
Sunrise/sunset:: Sunset
Punk/goth:: Punk
Punk/prep:: Prep
Goth/prep:: Prep
Truth/lies:: Truth
Citrus/tasteless:: Citrus
Cake/cookies:: Cookies
Sun/moon:: Sun but moon too because you can wakl on it!
Rain/snow:: Depends on what mood I`m in.
Piercings/none:: Piercings but not too many.
Short/long hair:: Short.
Brand name/couldn't care less:: Usually brand name but depends.
Pool/ocean:: Ocean
Pen/pencil:: Pencil
Sports/none:: Sports
Wet/dry:: Either
Bath/shower:: Shower and Bubble Baths :)
Fireworks/glowsticks:: Fireworks
Lick/bite:: Bite
Naked/clothed:: =)
Internet/phone:: Internet
[Section 12 - Education]
Do you go to school?:: Yes
Have you gone to school?:: Yes
What's your level of education?:: Going into 10th grade.
Do you like school?:: Sometimes
Learning?:: Acutally yes sometimes, lol.
Have you ever been homeschooled?:: No
Would you rather be homeschooled?:: Hell naw!
Would you rather go to public or private school?:: Public
Have you ever skipped school?:: Yes
Faked sickness to get out of school?:: Yes
Been suspended?:: No
Expelled?:: No
In detention?:: Yes..i`ve got my own seat! lol.
What's your favorite subject?:: hm..idk depends on the day.
Least favorite?:: see above.
Your schedule, block/periods/neither?:: Periods (or hours)
What are your grades generally like?:: They used to be bad but now they`re good.
Do you have many classes with your friends?:: It`s summer!
What classes do you want to take?:: Something cool like cooking or Dance or something like that
[Section 13 - What makes you]
Happy?:: Friends, losing weight, Clear skin, Good hair days, Shopping, Money, Cute boys, Flip flops (lol), The Sunset, Favorite song on the radio, Sushi, Good surprises, Geting your nails or hair done, Shoes!, Volleyball, going online, having Fun with your friends!
Sad?:: Mean People, depressing songs that i like but still make me sad, My family-life, Love?, Bad hair days, Pimples, Getting in fights with friends, getting your heart broken, trying to hold in crying, when you find out your good friend was talking smack, gaining weight, no food in the fridge(lol), Annoying people...
Laugh?:: Friends, Funny TV shows, sometiems MYSELF .. lol.
Dance?:: Music, friends dancing, a party, Or just if i`m in a good mood!
Sing?:: Just when I feel like it or when I`m around Angel or Amanda.
Horny?:: Boys =-O ;)
Scared?:: Oh boy .. Rape, Rejection, Spiders, Ants, Flys, BEES..all bugs in general!, What people say about me, i wish i didnt care but i do, Getting hit by a car, Losing a good friend, crying in public and looking stupid, Death, Kidnapped, Monsters under the j/k.
Look good?:: Cute clothes, LOTSA make up! Lol and my Hair wavy i think it looks cute if ia ctually do it, lol.
Feel good?:: Friends, Surprises, My favorite song on the radio.
Feel bad?:: the same thing as i put under sad, lol.
Cry?:: When people talk about me, when I dwell on past memories, if i get a boo-boo, lol, If I think i look really ugly, What people say sometimse..
Jealous?:: People taht are so much better then me
Envious?:: Idk..
Scream?:: Scary Movies, Surprises, Anger..
Angry?:: Many things
Smile?:: Lots of things!
Blush?:: Compliments, embarrasment, or telling a big secret that i wished i never told.
Sleepy?:: Boredem
excited?:: Lots of things!
Nervous?:: Lots of things!
Hungry?:: when ig et hungry? lol..
Thirsty?:: Doing a lot of excersizing, pop-corn, pretzels, hot-dogs..
Feel lonely?:: Being Home Alone
Sick?:: lots things
Mean?:: I get mean when i`m in a bad Mood.
Want a hug?:: All the time, I like hugs =)
Want a kiss?:: [See hugs] lol.
Bored?:: being bored.
Crazy?:: Friends, boys, scchol, parents..idk lotsa things.
Feel strong?:: when i can hit someone and actually make them say "oww!" lol.
Feel important?:: When I get compliments or I make someone feel better or I get grades or When i can tell someone respects me or when something makes me realize i actually have a purpose.
Quit?:: when i`m very frustrated.
[Section 14 - 1-10 Rating, How important is/are]
Friends:: 10
Family:: 8
Music:: 8
Love:: ?
Happiness:: 10
People:: 8
Silence:: 2
Animals:: 7
Education:: 10
Religion:: 7
Life:: 10
Medication:: 5
Food:: 10
Sleep:: 3
Health:: 6
Wealth:: 8
Nature:: 4
Shopping:: 10!
Fun:: 9
Comfort:: 9
Water:: 5
Sex:: --
Clothes:: 8
Alcohol:: 6
Cigarettes:: 0
Computer:: 8
Phone:: 6
[Section 15 - Have you ever]
Went skinny dipping?:: Yes
Done drugs?:: Yes
Drank alcohol?:: Yes
Played strip poker?:: No
Climbed a tree?:: Yes
Fallen from a tree?:: Yes
Bungee jumped?:: No
Been to Disneyland/world?:: Yes
Been stung by a bee?:: Yes
Pierced yourself?:: Yes
Sky dived?:: No
Rolled your tongue?:: Yes
Made a four-leaf clover with it?:: Yes
Skiied?:: Yes
Run into a wall?:: Yes
Been on an airplane?:: Yes
On a train?:: No
Fainted?:: Yes
Thrown up on purpose?:: Yes
Eaten an insect?:: Yes
For no reason?::
[Section 16 - Misc.]
What color are your socks today?:: none; it`s flip-flop season!
Is that your monkey over there sneezing?:: sure is.
Do you own a spotted umbrella?:: a black one.
Do you like sporks?:: sure?
What about chopsticks?:: most definetly.
How many fingers do you have?:: i`m not sure..
Do you have any stiches?:: No
If you could be anything/anyone you wanted, what/who would you be?:: Mandy Moore or Jessica Biel
Is your mushroom broken?:: of course it is .. ?
Are you a fairy?:: sure am.
Define the bases?:: 1-Making Out 2-Hand Useage... 3-Oral 4- Homerun -Sex!!
Do you abuse/starve your sims?:: um sure
How many candles do you own?:: alot
Do you wear scarves?:: when it`s cold or when i have a hickey ;] haha
Would you care if I licked your face like a cow?:: go lick your grandma`s ass like a cow if you feel the need to
Are the bunnies pink?:: No they`re pink and purple stripes.
What about the hampsters, what color are they? Green?:: No they`re black.
What do you think about make-up?:: it MAKES my face because without it, i am an ugly duck
Random word that starts with Q:: quaffle
If you could live anywhere, where would it be?:: NY
Do you like to be naked?:: Not all the time, so no
All your base _________:: Blank line?
My life has never been a bed a roses:: Mine either
Munchy munchy have a taco for:: Idk, id on`t really like tacos.
Yes that comes in:: you`re a freak.
I got:: a killer back-ache =(
Baby, life is like a ride on a:: Elephant
What is life?:: Whatever you want it to be for youself.