(no subject)

Jun 19, 2005 04:56

Heyyy. I`m at Ashley`s House =)! Yay, finally! Lol. Today`s plans didn`t go as expected...

Last night; after Mary`s house, My Mom picked me up around 6:30 and I went home and just laid around .. thought about cleaning my room, but didn`t. lol. So i took a shower and painted my toe nails and all that good stuff =) then i watched a Day After Tomorrow until I fell asleep [on accident]  ..(i didn`t get to finish it AGAIn =[ ) .. So I woke up this morning and my Mom was like "You have 10 minutes to get ready!" I just started laughing, i mean she has to be kidding .. i didnt blow-dry my hair last night, i just slept with a towel in my hair so i had an AFRO, and ... 10 minutes was just not enough time! but i guess today was my Uncle Andy`s *Commencement Ceremony* .. a.k.a. he got his Bachelor`s degree in BSN (business science of nursing) and We had to watch him get his award. at first i erally didn`t wanna go b/c i barely had time to straighten my hair or anything but I was wearing a dress and feelin` purty =) lol j/k. But yeah I went and it was sorta fun..it was at ford field or w/e its called, and me and Sarah went during the middle of the thing to get hot-dogs. Then i went back to get hot-chocolate, then after my uncle got his thing, we left and went back to my house and i did nothing .. called ASHLEY and then Me sarah and bobby went to the mall to get my Mom a present b/c her birthday is Tuesday (first day of summer!) and my dad a present for Fathers Day, whenever that is .. isn`t it tomorrow? idk lol. but yeah And i got a pair of sunglasses 8-). so then after that i went home and called Ashley and got here around 9ish =)! And her cousin Kourtney came over too, who`s really cool! So we all hung around and GOSSIPPED and went online and blah blah blah. then around 11ish me and kourtney walked up to the gas station for FOOD FOOD FOOD! we got a LOT of candy and chips and bla bla bla. You know we have to pig out! Lol. So we got back and Ate..talked more..and watched BLUE COLLAR COMEDY!!! I love that show it`s sooo funny! and i heart Larry the Cable Guy! Lol. So then Ashley fell asleep and me and kourtney rewatched the part w/ larry the cable guy lol.. then We went online, then watched BOOGEYMAN! but kourtney fell asleep during it. it wasn`t even that scary =[  but i was watching it by myself so it was sorta gay. and in the middle of it i saw this spider run across the wall so the whole rest of the movie i was focused -- and afraid of it! -- on that. But yeah now i`m online!

Tomorrow me & sarah are supposed to spend the day w/ my Dad. Is it Father`s day tomorrow? well, we`re spending the day w/ him because he got back from Alaska 2night I think, so yeah, we`re going Golfing -- i get to ride the golf cart around so i`m excited =). and I REALLY wanna go shopping i have like, no short`s! And hello it`s summer! Lol my Dad better have gotten me some souviners from Alaska. .. but i doubt any shorts, i mean, it`s alaska =(. lol

Monday I`m supposed to hang out with amanda...

...And tuesday is my Mom`s birthday, and Officially the first day of Summer =)!

Wednesday ; Kali leaves for Arkansas =(! I`m gonna miss her SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much! we just started getting close + stuff. BLAH!

But yeah I`m gonna End this here b/c i don`t feel like writing any more.


^happy? Lol.

......Peace out.
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