Nov 02, 2004 16:38
Koala's dead. She died Sunday night, shortly before 6 PM. She had been okay Saturday, just a little lethargic like she had been the past few days. She was okay Sunday morning at 2:30 AM. But when they woke me up five hours later, she had laid down and not moved. She had crawled under Daniel's bed, and I was needed to help lift it so we could drag her out from under there. And it only got worse.
I spent a lot of the day with her. She kept crawling off to go throw up or have a case of diarrhea, which quickly became nothing but blood. She became so weak and dehydrated that I started carrying her around whenever she would find the strength to crawl off. We folded a blanket up for her to lay on, and after a while, she would be so weak she would have a bowel movement without the energy to move. Right before she died, she was lolling to one side and panting so hard I thought her lungs were going to burst. I sat with her for half an hour, then got called to dinner. I sat and stared at my meal, a good steak that went to waste, and barely touched it. After about ten minutes, I got up, said I wasn't hungry, and went to check on her. She was gone.
I cried. Oh, I cried. I grieved, I mourned, I sobbed how much I wanted my dog back. I called Bill, and we cried together. He had to give up the phone line, and I cried some more, on my own, in my solitude. JT and Daniel took her body down to the dumpster, much as I regret it, because we had no place to bury her, and Animal Control wasn't open on weekends. As soon as they left, the bottom fell out, and it just now finished raining today. Oh, how I mourned...
I know a lot of people call it stupid to mourn so much over a dog, but for me, she's part of, if not more so, my family. Dogs give unconditional love. UNCONDITIONAL love. Doesn't matter who you are, what you do, how you enjoy life, they love you anyway. She loved me despite my faults, and now a perfectly pure, innocent pup is dead.
I miss my Koala Bear.