hAve yOu eVer clOsed yOur eYes and wiished the whOle wOrld wOuld just [[diisappear]]

Feb 07, 2005 21:33

hey...i know i havent updated in about...forever but i dont feel like...like talkin so im doin that 10 ppl thing hannah did./..if i can think of ten.

1.youve always been there for me...ever since last year when we first really "met". i love you so much..idk what i would do without you. it seemsl ike weve known each other since we were 3 and 4...not 13 and 14. youve become like family to me...so has your family. i love yall so much. we have some of the best times.. haha we like to dress up. lol ilu and im always here for you..no matter what.

2.hm...we used to be close and we were gettin closer but then one day somethin happend. and i did somethin very very stupid and it all just ended there. you were so mad at me. then you told me that you didnt hate me and you werent mad and you understood...and then you hate me again. im so confused.i wish we were still close like we used to be. ill always remeber you...you helped me alot when i needed it...thanks for everything.

3.last year i thought you were a whore. i really did. i didnt like you very much at all. but now were like BEST FRIENDS. last year i was stupid and didnt take the time to get to know you so i would realize that your not a whore at alll..not even close. but this year were really close. weve had great times. i love you so much!

4.your really special to me. i still love you with my whole heart. you scare me though. you do stupid things. but i still love you no matter what. no matter who your goin out or who im goin out with...i love you and i have ever since that say in december when i realized it last year. but you scare me. this year your diffrent. im scared as hell for you but i know youll straighten yourslef out sooner of later...i hope.

5.weve been best friends ever since i was 3 years old in my drive way. yall were goin to look at the house next door to mine. and it was at that moment that we became best friends. we grew up together. our moms each raised us both but then you had troubles in your life..even though we were young i was still there for you...you moved away a few times but you alwyas came back..then you moved away from that house for good. we were still close. now...itsl ike weve both changed...and i dont really know if it was for the goof or the bad,but weve changed. and im now realizeing how much ir eally need you..and im still here for you when you need it. weve had fun times...and hopefully ther will be many more.

6.weve been friends for idk how long. you wer my first friend in hoover. i was so jelous of you when we were little. haha. and now yeah..were still close but not as close. we donto hang out with basically only each other. weve grown up...and apart but in ver diffrent ways. i wish we could just sit down and talk and me not feel ike its awkward for you. idk maybe all this is happeing for the best...but i dont wanna loose you forever.

7.i hate you. i hope you die slow. you need to accpet that me and they guy your overly obsessed with and think you own are best friends. get over it. it happens...and i think your a whore and i just odnt like you..never have...never will..

8.i love you. weve always like known each other but we never had really talked to each other. i new i always liked you this year but you were goin out with one of my best friends. you n her broke up n i thought well maybe this is my chance. yeah i felt gulitly and really bad cuz my friend but she said she didnt care so idk. sometime you drive me crazy but then again most the time when im with you i couldnt be happier..itsl ike if im in a bad mood or im pissed or soemthin when im with you none of that matters it all goes away. youve helped me to actually be happy over the last month and like a half and i love you and thank you for that. i love you.

9.your awesome..well most the time. when i first met you in 3rd grade(you were in 2nd haha) you decided it would be nice to drench me with the hose and tell me my name was werid cuz you thought it was tara. haha. ill never forget that day. from that day on i hated you. i thought you were fat and stupid and i just hated you but then when you got up to bumpus in 6th grade you had changed..somethin about you, you looked better and you were just nicer. i gave you a 2nd chance. and im glad i did. cuz now were just really close. i can walk into your house with out really thinkin about it. your there when i need to talk to someone. thank you so much for all youve done.

10.we had a great time this summer.ive known you for ever but then you moved awaya nd when you came back you were good looking. you werent the tubby annoying little kid i remeberd you as...you were good looking. we did this thing at church together and went to the movies with pplf rom church after words and it was then when i relized i liked you. we never relly went out but when i did decide to tel you i liked you you said you liked me to. sometimes i felt like all you wanted was to get stuff from me. but yeah. you said thatyou didnt want a girlfriend adn that we wouldnt see each other when at the same time my best friend was goin through the same thing...but they were lucky if they saw each other once every two weeks. we saw each other twice a week. and when school started back it just faded...we moved on. but thanks for a great summer.

-thats all for now..im sure ill think of more later.-
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