May 31, 2006 17:57
I guess ill write about how this year went for me
hmm, well the beginning of the year of course was rocky
i thought things would go well, but they didnt
my dad a surgery failure, and guy wise wasnt so great
i was disappointed when i found out university was covered
by Mr Toolan and my grades suffered
this year on a average sucked for me, but this year i also made
the most changes about myself
i sorta view things differently, act differently
this summer i plan on doing most/all/some of these things
applying for a job at; Woodbury Commons/Store in town/ job neighbor offered me
going on vacation; to Iowa (with brother) and/or Virginia (parents)
cutting/dieing/ doing something with my hair -> it bores me
college visits; Potsdam/Fordham/OCCC/other
I cant believe its june, and i dread being a senior because its close to college, and my parents never allowed me to experience my own time alone, and what awaits after college
I hope next year is better