Feb 23, 2007 01:03
Wow, its been quite some time, and yet, so much has happened that it seems like an infinite amount of time. Most people say that time flies, but to me, I'm still adjusting to my increasingly busy schedule, so for me, when something in the recent past is brought up in conversation, it feels like that it happened ages ago.
In terms of what is going on with me, essentially it boils down to 1)future school plans, 2) fitness, 3)lifestyle, and 4) thoughts.
Way back in september I promised myself to apply to grad school, and if I got in, great, if not, I'd take a year off. To be honest, my GRE scores sucked ass (the general scores, my psych subtest scores were awesome). I didn't think I'd stand a chance, but I've learned to not think of things you know nothing of. Within the past few weeks, I've gotten confirmation that my research proposal is being considered by a final review committee in Ottawa, I've had 2 interviews with professors that both want me as a grad student (they each bought me lunch, showed me around campus, etc), and apparently I have a 3rd person that I'm still waiting on...There's no point discussing my difficulties in which person to choose; it boils down to 2, one is a world-reknown leader in the field, but isn't part of a clinical program, and the other is a strong researcher that is in a clinical program. Tough decisions to make, and the input I get from people is only slightly helpful. Somehow, I know it'll be all up to me in the end. So it looks like grad school for me (knock on wood). I guess I should have more confidence in my abilities.
Fitness has taken a back seat, I tried following the revised Canada's food guide for a month (lasted 3 days). IF you're busy, its near impossible unless you've been brought up to eat like that, or its a part of the culture. I havn'et been to the gym as often as I'd like due to weather and scheduling, but I promised myself that I'd increase my efforts on that front. I find myself pushing for higher standards, but I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing. As long as I'm happy and healthy I think the rest will take care of itself.
I'm searching for a place now, most likely a bachelor's apt in someone's basement, b/c that's the cheapest option. Hopefully, I can find a nice place, that's big, and will allow me to keep my wavemaster, as well as being close to ttc main lines...hopefully.
Thoughts: facebook makes it easy for you to be a little creepy (i.e. looking at pictures of friends, then their friends, then random pple you think are hot). However, as long as you realize your creepiness, I think its ok, the odd time here and there.
Also, sometimes you have to be selfish in the sense that you need to take care of yourself, and to not take on the burdens of others. I should stop compromising what I want, but still be flexible to whatever comes in life. Moreover, I find relationships in this stage of life very unsatisfying, and the idea of marriage at this stage perposterous: the way I see it, we have around 9 years to have a whole heap of experiences that will help shape you and mature you for a more "real" version of the world.
Finally, it all goes back to beginnings. I'm "starting" university all over again, this time at a graduate level. I have to meet new people, friends, colleagues, maybe love interests, all over again. So much work...
Oh yes, and I have got to learn how to function on less sleep. I'm not good at it so far, due to lack of practice, due to lack of need to deprive myself of something that's nearly on par with sex in terms of pleasure...sex then sleep, now THAT's a concept. Throw in a pie or a burrito as well, and you're in heaven.
Take care,