Bookcrossing in Amsterdam

Apr 23, 2007 23:01

Knowing that ABC was going to absorb a chunk of cash and having got into the habit of bringing Bookcrossing Books with me on holiday I brought 5 books with me and released them all in Amsterdam. One in the Cafe/pub in Spui that we used as a semi-base for a while. Two in Cafe Lef, the place I met bookcrossers before, one in the Museumplein and one today beside the historiche museum. Hopefully one of them will get caught. They were all pretty big books.

Next holiday though there will have to be a small bookcrossing kit included in my luggage. I read and bookcrossed one, which will end up in Australia after I send it on it's way after I get back via bookmooch.

amsterdam, bookcrossing, holidays

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