(no subject)

Jun 11, 2005 16:38

Because no-one has tagged me on this one, I'm using nhw's open invite.

1) Total number of books I own: probably somewhere in the 5000 region. There's nearly 2,000 on Bibliophil, but there's a chunk uncatalogued that I have to get around to. There's also a chunk in Galway and some wandering souls that various people snagged off me years ago and I never got back.

2) Last books I bought: I bought an old needlecraft book, which I've been eyeing for ages from Oxfam on thursday. I'm trying hard not to buy too many books for a while until I get the TBR pile into manageable proportions (i.e. under 200 books!)

3) The last book I read: Angel Landing - Alice Hoffman - now a bookcrossing book

4) Five books that mean a lot to me:

1. The Chronicles of Narnia - C S Lewis - I read these until they fell apart, got them for my communion
2. Witchworld - Andre Norton - first Adult Fantasy
3. DragonQuest - Anne McCaffrey - First Adult SF (I have the graphic novel signed!)
4. Antiquities of the Roman World - IIRC a book published in 1820's that I inherited from my grandfather and used in my college studies as a jumping off point occasionally.
5. The Silver Sun - Nancy Springer - a book I re-read occasionally and it never fails to wrap me in comfort. I have no idea why really, it just does.

5) Five people whose answers I'd like to see: Basically, anyone of you who hasn't yet done this, I'd be very interested to see your answers!

reading, books, quiz

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