(no subject)

Jun 10, 2005 13:29

It's approximately butt off sofa and go look at apartment time

however, two things

idea that lept into my head recently re: dinner club.

Either in a restaurant or someone's home every 4-6 weeks, everyone either paying for selves or providing enough food for them and about 2 others hosts to co-ordinate. It's not fully fleshed out but I think it would be a nice way to occasionally meet-up and catch up with gossip ect.

Opinions wanted:

As a size 18 at the moment and probably looking to move soon, with the weight just not coming off in a rush, should I ditch all the size 14 clothing I have (excepting some special pieces) and just reward myself if I get to that size again?

dinner club, clothing, food, house hunting, weight

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