hospital Diary

Oct 21, 2002 12:20


I'm in the hospital since about 2:30, a bit less stressed than yesterday but still a bit uncomfortable with the whole thing. Got a list of foods for tomorrow, it's a bit like being in a hotel but with intrusive medical stuff going on 8(

There's something comforting about being able to type stuff in and confiding in a third party that doesn't really care whether or not stuff happens (I'm talking about the sub-notebook, not the friends from LiveJournal)

Started new cardigan seeing as how I've finished the waistcoat barring the buttons. Dave describes it as an explosion in a paint factory, I have to agree but I like the effect. It's purples blues and greens, plain back and cables running down the front, with pockets, important in my line of work!

Deirdre's occasional segue - cut tags not cooperating! what is it with women's clothing. I work at a job that requires that I carry keys, but if you look at most women's clothing they really aren't designed for keys. In older times women were the keyholders and they had reticules and things to carry keys, nowadays we have had the keys taken from us. Also what is the deal with women's jackets? Women are uniquely suited to having hidden pockets, kinda where you would have a gun holster, but we don't. The cops keep berating women about carrying that uniquely robable of items, the handbag, but don't offer any solutions. Rant shelved.

New cardigan is yet more cables and looks interesting, purple again, Dk wool which I originally bought for the throw but the colours are too intense and didn't work so I put it aside, after buying some more in the hope that it would work for something else and it will work for this, I'm making it shorter than the original pattern but then again the original pattern is a bit long and would induce the borrowed clothing look. I'm also going to consider shortening the sleeves but only if the increases allow it. Sleeves are a complete pain to change, something about the fact that you always do increases down the length of them and often you have very few rows between end of increases and the end of the sleeve, some day I should maybe consider buying a program for, or working out how to design my own.

I'm the youngest person in my ward, there's four others. Some quite gregarious and some cought up in their own world. Many of them seem to be undergoing chemo and dialisis. I got to choose my food for tomorrow so I'm not expecting anything incredibly introusive tomorrow. Apparently I'm scheduled for x-rays, blood tests, cat-scan, liver and lymph biopsies and (groping around my brain for the name, it's evading me, scan you get when pregnant... ah yes memory catching up) Ultrasound, and that's the ones I remember!!


I have been getting some temperature readings and just noticed that just before a headache attack I have an elevated temperature, something for me to mention to the doctor! Also something for me to notice (I get warm enough to be uncomfortably warm/sweaty) to make sure I take some medication near the start instead of waiting. they don' t have any Neurofen available at the moment only Neurofen Plus which contains Paracetemol which would preclude taking the stronger tablets I'm prescribed.

Coffee here would appear to be Java Republic (Yeah!) excepting that it's so strong it's unpleasant, diluted it's fine. Everyone else in the ward is taking a sleeping tablet, I'm so used to noise that this is going to be a pleasant experience to be able to sleep without the Capel Street symphony as a background. I have my Scorch Beanie to keep me company, liberaly doused with Old Spice - the aftershave I like and Dave occasionally wears!


So slightly restless sleep last night, tonight I think I should pull the curtains, part of the problem was a woman who snored through the night and woke a couple of times needing assistance, she really should have my bed or the one on the other side of the room near the door, however I'm close to the lockers so that's kinda a good thing, and me being overwarm, a probem I've had since this started. Mentioned the elevated temperature thing to a nurse - who seemed interested but isn't that part of her job? Today had blood taken, it must have been at least 6 but possibly more vials, it felt like ages, it's now 11:30 and I'm waiting for something to happen... well after lunch I'm due a CAT scan - I've finally connected

clothing, knitting, hospital, health

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