(no subject)

Oct 13, 2002 00:56

Parental visit today - got up around 11 and did housework, the front room actually looks kinda clean - until you look behind the sofa - but everything is stacked neatly.

Didn't go to Great-Uncle's dinner, Aunt didn't manage to get enough places at restaurant so mum bought food and we went to Niamh's (my sisters place) for food followed by conversation with her and then my parents, they're staying over with her tonight. Nephew decided that it was a good time with a captive audience to draw up a ADND character - erk, that kid asks more questions that a human should be capable of, most of which I don't have an answer for.

Tomorrow am meeting with parents more - they'll feed us - yeah. I like being around my Dad, mum is okay but sometimes quite intense. She's admitted that she's told a lot of people about me being ill, so there's some panic going on over in Galway and I'm sure many masses being said!

Niamh read my story Ancient Rites and actually said it was quite good - this is a good thing from a English graduate!!

Dave is off for two more weeks and is on antibiotics due to the post-op infection

Going to bed no

gaming, family, food, husband

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