
Jun 23, 2016 00:14

I know I'm overweight, probably into obese, but I also know that a healthy weight for me is above what the BMI charts say (and there's also a rant about how BMI is inexact and in some instances dangerous non-science, and how most fit people are above their BMI, that women should be on the higher side not the lower and that being under is much more dangerous than over, by significant amounts) but I decided to give myself some incentive by doing a Universal Class module on weight management.
I hate my current weight, I want not to look in the mirror and shudder at what I see, I want to fit back into some of the nice clothes waiting in my wardrobe, to not have to buy more, to not bulge under and over my belt, to feel better in my body.
I do not need to be told that my weight costs me and the economy; that I'm a drain on my workplace because I am more prone to illnesses; to write essays about how these things are true and to build more guilt in my head. I have enough self-hate without this, I'm going to drop out and do something more useful for my mental health, like flower arranging.
I have been referred to a pain management specialist, for the hip/back pain, after having the second injection into my shoulder, which will hopefully be more successful than the first, but was not comfortable or easy. Ah well, extra day off after the week and a bit off.
I have to find a way to lose weight that motivates me, rather than encourages me to comfort eat my body weight in junk.

motivation, weight, health

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