Jun 05, 2016 23:03
In Ireland it's a bank holiday weekend, I've spent today resting and relaxing, watching a lot of Fringe, spending only about 80 minutes in the sun, and 20 minutes of that without sun screen. I have to get the vitamin d in my system, it's been running too low over the last while. Well Ireland and vitamin d aren't great bedfellows.
I pinned out my latest shawl and it looks well the only problem was that it was almost dry before I had finished.
Another day left and only 6 episodes of Fringe left of season 4, it has to go back to work. We're also working through the Monocled Mutineer, which is being shown on Forces TV, which Mac is addicted to. It's interesting but I do know it's of questionable historiography.
Tomorrow I should get some cross stitch done.