(no subject)

Jul 28, 2008 09:26

Gee, I guess a FAQ might be helpful, huh?

What are you doing? Starting at 9 AM EST on July 26, posting every half hour for 24 hours, to raise money for charity. Because I'm just slightly psychotic.

What are you, specifically, doing? 1) In the downtime between posts, etching small mirrors with random things, taking a picture, and tossing it to flickr to be posted.  2) Writing small stories in honor of my father, about my father.  He passed away on July 4th, suddenly.  This is to benefit the Amyloidosis Research Foundation, since the amyloidosis is what most likely led directly to his death.

How can I sponsor you? 1) Post a comment here pledging a donation.  After the blogathon, go to http://www.amyloidosisresearchfoundation.org/donations/index.html and put Blogathon: in the subject.  They're tracking for me, but I'd also like you to forward your receipt to me.  (sharyna AT gmail DOT com)  2) There will be a mini-auction here for the mirrors that are being created during the 'thon.

What do I get? Erm.  That warm feeling inside 'cause you did something good?  Maybe a random shiny.  Possibly haiku and whatever other ideas for incentives I come up with.

Who else is blogging?
Lots and lots of people.   See the full list here: http://www.dayofblogs.org/?page_id=12
The people on LJ that I directly know: shadesongzarhooie  (Let me know if you're blogging and I don't have you here!)

Any other questions?  Anyone want to stay awake all night and chatter at me on AIM?  Anyone local (*eyes someone specifically*) want to give up a night of sleep to come watch me get increasingly nuts?  :)


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