Normally, I'm not bothered when I play games on-line, but once in a while, someone reeking of desperationg and stereotypical geek passes by. Take this incident for example. I want playing
Achaea, working on my trials for my House when I get this message:
[Name changed to protect the stupid] tells you, "My friend is looking for a girlfriend and I was wondeirng if you might be interested in talking to him? He used to be a member of Shallam and the guardians. No its not me either if you are thinking that, Also, sorry to inconvienance you by asking."
I've never met this player before. I never ran into him in newbie land and we're of different cities, classes and Houses. So really, I have no idea how this person found me or why he decided to bother me.
And if you're wondering, I told him that my character had taken a vow of celibacy while she sought entrance into her House, which is mostly true. I wasn't snarky; I think I'm mellowing.