I am taking MARTA to work this week because the starter on my Cavalier has apparently crapped out Sa

Jul 29, 2014 22:04

I am taking MARTA to work this week because the starter on my Cavalier has apparently crapped out Saturday and it will be Friday before I can do anything about it at the earliest. So I have a little time to catch up on my journal while I ride. There have been a lot of noteworthy things going on.

I will start with Friday, when I took Woody home from work so that I could check out the place I might be moving into. I really dug the house and felt like it and the other housemates I got to meet really vibed well with me. It definitely felt like somewhere I will be happier than where I am at now. We're still hammering out some details, but unless something unexpected comes up I should be moving in before the end of August.

After checking out the house, I went to Famous Pub for Black Out, a goth/industrial night. I probably would have skipped it except that I had told my acquaintance Niki that I would be there and told her she should come out (which she did). I'm glad I did. Not only did I get to know Niki a lot better, but I got to hang out with friends I hadn't seen in a long time like Snow and Robert Casey. I also finally met one of my more interesting Facebook friends, Diana Engel, in person. I didn't get to talk to her much since every time she started talking to me someone would pull her away 2 minutes in. That was okay, though, because it was loud and I could barely hear her anyway. Once again, I miss clubs with a quieter space for people to do their real socializing as opposed to just yelling at each other over the music, which that night alternated between really good and headache-inducingly awful. After Black Out, I went home with Niki and crashed out over at her place.

Saturday, I went home, got things set up for the productive day I was looking forward to having, then went to Kroger for productivity fuel. Upon leaving Kroger, though, my car wouldn't start. I thought the battery might be low, because I have had a lot of battery trouble, but when roadside assistance got out there to jump me, he said it was the starter. I was hot as balls, so I put out a call on Facebook for a ride home. Jason and Stacia ended up be my rescue team.

After I made it home, I waited until sun down to deal with getting my car towed back home. Niki gave me a ride over and hung out with me while I waited for the tow truck. Tbe tow truck guy was fun and I felt terrible that I wasn't able to tip him because I am a poor ass bastard. Afterwards, I went over to Niki's for pizza and Riddick.

journaling, woody, jason o, marta, clubs, kroger, black out, diana e, moving, snow, facebook, towing, robery c, riddick, cavalier, stacia, pizza, famous pub, movies, car repairs, niki a

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