The Open Days Agreement

Jun 24, 2013 15:51

I am feeling a little down right now. I'm not feeling well and I don't feel like being at work. I don't feel as though I got enough quality time with Brenda last night nor did I get to do what I wanted for my own enjoyment, leaving me frustrated on multiple levels. I should have said something but I knew Brenda was feeling blue and didn't want to compound it with my own unhappiness. I regret that now, as I doubt it would have hurt to ask for some attention. Now I will have to wait until Tuesday to spend quality time with her, as tonight is her first "open day" and I am sure she will be spending it all on Eron. That is, after all, the point of giving her open days.

Basically, the open days agreement is that she gets three days of the week that she can use to spend time with her other lovers and the other four days she is supposed to focus on me. Three days a week is a bit more than I like but I am assuming that she won't always have another of her lovers available each and every one of those open nights and even if none of those trickle back to me it will still be worth it if it results in her being more devoted to me the other four days.

It also benefits me by giving e a clearer idea of how much time I can invest in other relationships myself. Her open days are also my open days so it's okay for me to choose the company of another on those days so it's okay for me to choose the company of another on those days, even if she finds herself dateles. That will be great if I can ever afford to properly take women out again.

Hopefully this is a best of both worlds compromise that will make everyone happy. While I would prefer to have her to myself more, I know a major reason for that is because unlike her I don't have two other steady lovers to give me companionship when I am separated from my spouse and it would help solve that problem if I got out on my own more. So I may not always like the agreement, but I do think enough good will come from it to make the sacrifice worth it.

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