Chains of Promathia Static go!

Mar 01, 2007 10:15

So I finally decided to get off my fat Tarutaru butt and find myself a static for Chains of Promathia. It was actually a lucky chance that I actually managed to find the people for it...with that, we managed to get past two major portions of CoP that I had been stuck on for almost a year!

My static comprises of a NIN (Rarehero), a BLM/THF (Apathye), a RNG/SMN (Mosley), a BLU/WAR (Moot), a BLM/RDM (Gael) and me, a WHM. WHM is the only job that I took to 75 so I felt that i was really the least flexible one there. But they don't seem to mind, so I'm just glad!

The levels up were supposedly tough, but we worked together well at the team to arrive at the spire.

And cleared Promyvion Vahzl! Even the anima seems like overkill! I guess, I was just fortunate to get skilled players!!

I had no time to take screenshots since I was busy trying to navigate through the levels. We only had one deliberate death by Rare to despawn some monsters, other than that 0 deaths. I love it that way.

5-3 is the sticking point of CoP Because its divided into three different paths. Tenzen's Path, Ulmia's Path and Louverance's Path. We decided to head for the easiest path, which was Tenzen's Path. The first was a level 50 capped dungeon crawl through Pso'Xja as we try to get past 16 doors. Of which, each door spawns a Gargoyle NM that we have to fight! There were magic aggro creatures around so we couldn't stay near the door to cast magic.

Navigating through one of the hallways in PSo'Xja.

Look at the awesomeness of Protect III @_@ Level capped. Sigh!

Couldn't have done this without the assistance of Slug in this mission, he really helped a lot and lost xp as Dark Knight. Whoever that said Dark Knight was lol obviously had not seen good players play Dark Knight. They should really play with Flynne, he makes my paladin want to cry.

Helped with with my friend, Nightcaster, to obtain his WS Retribution. Really hate navigating through Ifrit's Cauldron, but oh well.

The uber sexay Supernovas NIN!

This year's doll festival was a low-key event where the moogles sent rice cakes to your mog house. :( I prefer last year's one where you can actually purchase rice cakes! le sigh. I wanted some tarutaru and mithra rice cakes.

Smile for the camera!

I remember doing this mission the first time, we mana burned it. This time we had 2 WHM, 2 BLM, 1 RDM and 1 PLD and yet again, it was mana burnt!

Cat teasing Dragon. Cat FTW!

Resting after Ouryu, just ignored the gimped Taru in the blue aketon. -.-;;

Flynne attempting to comfort me. ;_; Just some random cute Tarutaru pictures.

Singing for Gil! :3 Tarutarus make such good singers. ;)

doll festival, tenzen's path, cop5-2

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