Missions and quests oh my!

Feb 10, 2007 18:24

Actually its Flynne must get the map otherwise he'll get lost! But I got it all the same so I would at least be able to find him when he gets lost. ;P

There's this ??? at Mount Zhalyom right after you escaped through Halvung where you had to click to initate the Cut-Scene. There you have a goblin and a troll being best friends!

And the troll was sad cause he lost his pick-axe. So ya know what that means, you gotta find the pick-axe for him.

And seeing they are trolls, they can't have ordinary itty bitty pick-axes, they have to have GOOD pickaxes. :3 And so the soft-skin, that's me was rewarded with a map after trading him a stronger Pick-axe!

Walkthrough courtesy of Flynne cause he needs the map, he has the walkthroughs. ;3

Yeah! With the help of the three stooges, Fergus, Demikai and Mikais!, we managed to pwn through ZM4 and the stupid tonberries!

The Tonberries were actually humanoid creatures before they held too much grudge and got turned ugly and bow-legged!

Triumphant! We raise our sword in cheer! Ignore the naked Elvaan on the right, we don't know him!

Along the way to the Sacrificial Chamber for the mission, I also played around with a painting and hung it.

And accidentally spawn an NM. Apparently, no one likes Angelia's paintings!

Simply did a couple of CSes here and failed terribly at 2-5. So yeah, here's Prishe looking angry! She's so cute.

Tossed SereinBreeze into the fat farm! I want a male chocobo. ;_; Too bad they're kinda difficult to get!

Went to a BC in Cape Terrigan to help Mantis out with his SMN Artifact Weapon! The Hecteye was too weak! Mantis managed to pwn him as BLM.

Here is me taking time to relax and kinda pose next to the hecteye. ;)

Goblin Archaelogist! Arte, our LS leader, decides to spawn this NM for fun! Although he was easily taken down by us! XD

So i'm supposed to be prepared for the Maat fight and finally got Spirits Within after skilling up on crabs!

Note the cuteness of the Tarutaru. He's so adorable, makes me want to hug him lots.

and yes, that's me...in my Gaudy harness that's really gaudy and attempting to melee the crabs!

Maybe I'll stay level 70 for a long time. I don't wanna fight Maat!

Until the next time!

quest. chocobo, toau, tria, mission

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