Supernatural - 4x02 - "Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester" Thoughts

Sep 26, 2008 18:33

Ok, so Supernatural is STILL awesome. Though does this really come as a surprise? A clue: NO! *squees* I'll admit, I didn't think this episode was as great as the premiere (it'll take something big to beat that), but it was much better than just "okay" or "average", and I really enjoyed it. And again, the end scene (or in this case, near-end scene) left me fit to burst with excitement, but I'll get to that in a bit.

So, I guess all my initial worries about Dean keeping the angel thing from Sam were totally irrelevant, since we saw the guys talking about it straight into the episode XD Oh, well! I'm glad about that actually, because last week they kept too much information from each other, and I wouldn't have been happy if they did the same in this episode, because it would've just made the situation so much worse, and it means the boys growing more distant, which is a big NO. I will not stand for that shit. Anyway, back to the scene...when Dean was ranting about being singled out by God and not understanding why, I wanted to stop him in the middle of his pacing and shake him by the shoulders, until he saw sense. WHY does he constantly question his self-worth, and believe he's not as valuable as any other human? WHY?! ARGH!!! It frustrates and pains me so much! It always has, ever since his issues became obvious, but for the love of God, it is really getting to me now. I think because it feels like a step backwards from last season, when he proclaimed that he didn't deserve to go to Hell. I'd been hoping so hard that he'd start to see himself as someone important, but naaaah, apparently, belittling himself is more fun ¬_¬ Gah. Kripke has a lot to answer for, I swear.

Anyway, I digress. I love that Sam totally and utterly believes that an angel was sent to save his big brother, and that he's behind the idea of God needing him for a bigger purpose, though I guess that doesn't come as a surprise, seeing as we know he has faith. It's just nice to see how much faith he has in Dean! And his "too bad Dean, 'cos I think he wants you to strap on your party hat" line was amusing, it made me smirk. Especially since it reminded me of Sammy's own little party hat in Ghostfacers, hehehehe.

"You're gonna get me some pie!" *Dean grabs book and storms away* MADE. OF. WIN! I love the pie continuity, I hope they manage to slip it in every episode this season, that would be brilliant. That's not asking for much, is it? *looks hopeful* Bobby's expression after that line was brilliant, and I loved that Dean even phoned Sam to remind him about the pie (and chips)! Not that that helped, since he forgot it anyway *tuts*

Ruby 2.0 still annoys the CRAP out of me. At least before, I could hate Ruby because she was such an evil bitch, and she knew it, but this watered-down version just pisses me off and makes me want to flick her far away from me. She's so soft-spoken and whiny and just seems useless - not true to the original version at all, and a poor replacement. She better shape up, or just go away altogether.

Aaaw, Henrickson! His death makes me so sad, because it was so cruel and unfortunate and unfair - I think the fact that he told Dean he would fight evil since he knew it was out there, just makes it worse. That stupid Lillith bitch. But I digress, again. Spirit!Henrickson turning up behind Sam in the restroom was creepy, and the beat-up was so HARSH! Honestly, the way he threw him into the mirror, and then the sink, twice? *cringes* I absolutely adored Dean coming to the rescue though, in that typical badass, big-brother way. How I've missed that!!!

Poor Bobby, by the way, rendered helpless by two creepy-as-fuck spirit girls. I hate children ghosts, they give me the creeps. I honestly thought he was in real trouble, and might have something bad happen to him before the boys managed to get to him, but thankfully, not. I swear to God, Bobby better remain unharmed in this show, or I will unleash a world of hurt on Kripke. You don't mess with the awesome! Thought it was nice that Sam rescued him, I adored how he was all like "Bobby, we're here!" and "Hold on Bobby, I'm coming!" It makes me squee. Anyway, Sam coming to the rescue, of course left the way open for Dean's encounter with Meg.

Ah, Meg. Surprisingly, not someone I absolutely loathed - sure, she was an evil demon bitch, but I could appreciate her upfront evilness, whereas others like Ruby and Bela should just be nuked off the face of the earth. Anyway, I like how the writers/producers tried to explain away her different appearance and lack of continuity by saying it was her real form before the demon took over - I'm not buying it, but I'll overlook it, haha. That confrontation was intense, anyway! I won't even go into the wrongness of Dean's negative response to Meg's "you think you're some kind of hero?" question, (except to say YES YOU ARE DAMMIT. YES. YOU. ARE), but I did enjoy the rest of their exchange. The whole parallel of Meg's relationship with her sister, to Sam and Dean's relationship was awesomely done (did anyone else notice the fact that the amulet was stubbornly visible throughout that whole exchange?), and I loved the implications of how the same thing could've easily happened to the boys. Especially with the hero-worshipping younger siblings. Also, her teary and raw question of why Dean didn't help her was painful, especially with the way he looked so shaken up at the fact that he didn't. Oh Dean, it wasn't your fault! Just in general, it was a powerful scene, really gritty and good stuff! I don't know, maybe I should be a bit worried at how much I enjoyed it, it wasn't exactly fun...

Okay, Bobby. Made of total fucking WIN! This guy rules so much, it physically hurts. I laughed my ass off at his "someplace safe, ya idjit" line to Sam, and honestly, I actually watched that and said "Oh Bobby, never stop being awesome." And then we were introduced to his FAWESOME panic room? HE. IS. LEGEND. And the fact Dean acknowledged the awesomeness, with his cute laugh and giddy expression? Total love. I absolutely adored that whole scene, and it lightened up the mood some from all the angst, so yay!

Dean's "if God is real, why does he let all this bad shit" happen argument hit a little too close to home, but coming from him, it's completely in-character. I sort of hope that throughout the rest of the season, he might find some answers to some of his questions, with a little help from on-high ;-) The whole revelation of the coming Apocalypse was kinda scary, and makes me think of the "work" Castiel mentioned to Dean last week - they need him to help stop it, maybe? Most likely. Probably. We'll see! It also fits with the whole "evil vs. good epic battle" theory which has been floating around. Either way, it sounds kinda epic. I seriously can't wait to find out more about that!

Okay, I gotta mention how much I LOVED Meg ripping into Sam for whatever-the-hell-he's-doing with Ruby, because seriously, someone had to say it, and it looked like what she said might've had an affect on him! Before, y'know, he shot her all to hell. But I hope the words stick, and he does some serious thinking. And aaaw, Dean and Henrickson confrontation!!! That was even more painful than the one with Meg, especially since those two ended on good terms. But holy crap, my own heart almost froze when Henrickson grabbed Dean's!!! Thank God for Sammy coming to the rescue this time. I loved him asking "are you alright?" and Dean's incredulous "no!"

BOBBY!!! *heart in throat* What did I say about not messing with the awesome?! Seriously, I don't think Kripke understands just how much trouble he'd be in with the fandom if he ever hurt Bobby. Let's hope he never finds out. Loved the boys both running to see if he was okay, and helping him up., and the looks they all exchanged, without words. Family, right there.

Random sidenote, but I hate it when salt lines get broken in this show. It's just so ominous and never bodes well!

Finally, after all my rambling, the most awesome scene in the episode. CASTIEL!!! Hehehehehehe *jumps about crazily with excitement* How much did I love that he turned up to talk to Dean? LOADS. He was SO badass in that scene - I know that a lot of people might be angry because he threatened to drop Dean back in Hell, and rightly so, but while I HATE the threat, I can kinda see where he was coming from, getting angry and all. I think Dean possibly just crossed the line with his flippancy, and Castiel wanted to make it obvious that he's NOT the cuddly, feathery angel that Dean imagines. I love that he said angels are warriors, and how within the space of five minutes, he backed that up and created a lasting impression of how fierce he himself can be. Seriously, Misha Collins is the man. I flove him so much already! I also love what he revealed about Lillith and the Seals, and LUCIFER. I am so excited about finding out how that storyline unravels throughout the season. And I can't wait to see the bigger picture he was talking about. Man alive, even thinking about it just gets me antsy all over again.

All in all, SPN fucking rocks my socks, hardcore.

tv shows, in my opinion, tv: supernatural, fangirlism

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