Snapshots of a rather dull life

Nov 27, 2010 20:37

Basically, my holiday weekend summed up in bullet points that may or may not be interesting.  They're not interesting enough for their own LJ entries, and really, they're just an excuse for me to rant.  But, hey, it gives me the chance to use a lot of tags.  Let's see if I can break my record for most tags used...

* For starters, apologies for spamming you all with my fic.  Like I explained previously, I want my fic all here on my LJ, and since I can't seem to paste more than nine pages into an entry, I have to break the chapters into chunks.  I need to learn to write shorter chapters.

* Speaking of fic, is it weird that I have this urge to do a Doctor Who comedic babyfic of all things, in which the Doctor's offspring is, well, squiddy?  I was having fun thinking about how maybe Time Lords had something squid-like in their ancestry (hey, they could be hiding tentacles under those robes!) and the Doctor would be absolutely delighted to see the child's genes are Time Lord dominant, while the mother would a bit freaked out.  I don't know which Doctor/companion I'd want to inflict that upon, though.  Ten-II/Rose could be fun... but I rewatched Amy's Choice this weekend and was once again amused by the Doctor's reaction to Amy's condition, and couldn't help but think it'd be funny to see Eleven have to deal with the issue for real.  Except I don't know how I'd get them together, since I'm very Amy/Rory, and I really don't like the whole concept of some substance like alcohol/drugs/alien sex pollen resulting in them sleeping together.  It's not a situation I find comedic.  I also can't help but think a squiddy baby would fit in well with this plot bunny here.  (I'm definitely warming to the Doctor Who/Sherlock/Lovecraft plunny!)

* And another silly fic idea: is it wrong that I want to do a story that involves the Eleventh Doctor and the Ghost of Christmas Present as played by David Tennant in Nan's Christmas Carol?  I blame the Christmas special preview; how can I watch the Doctor introducing himself as the Ghost of Christmas Past and not think of it?  :D

* We had the first snow of the season yesterday.  Made me glad that I don't believe in shopping on Black Friday.  Especially after watching some of the footage on the news.  How can any sale be worth turning into a mindless herd animal who would carelessly stampede over others?

* Thanksgiving went well, despite being wrangled into helping move some heavy furniture, first.  I don't mind, since the person I was helping had a bad back, but the end result is that I now have a sore right leg.  I have noooo idea how I managed to strain the muscles of just that leg, from my thigh to calf, while everything else feels fine.  I still don't know if I'm going to make it to my sister's tomorrow, though. I don't know how I'd even get there.  To make things worse, my sister is trying a new tactic to get me to come over: guilt.  She called me up today and sounded like she was pathetically desperate to see me.  Which she might actually be, but there's also an element of manipulation there.  Ergh.
* And why don't I think I can get there?  Because my car battery DIED.  Just what I need.  *screams*

* I'm trying to make myself feel better by listening to Dalek Empire III (which might not be the best choice for cheering up...)  Once again I'm reminded that, while Daleks can look silly on the screen, they're actually scary when you can't see them.  Also, I love David Tennant in this.  I think his character would have been my favorite one in the series even if he'd been played by someone else.

And... that ends my rather useless babble.

issues - i have them, fandom: doctor who, thanksgiving, crazy self is crazy, lovecraft, car, audios, christmas, holidays, audio: big finish, dalekluv, actor: david tennant, real life, crossover, wrath of bridezilla, snow

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