Jungmo's Cyworld diary entry 2006.12.10 02:45

Dec 10, 2006 13:55

To those who came to see the 9th December Live... Really sorry that the performance was cancelled, it was not our original purpose...

Even inside, the cold weather continued so we waited...
Next time we will compensate with an even better performance...


12월 9일 라이브 보러와주셨던 분들...본의 아니게 공연이 취소되게 되어서 정말 죄송합니다...

추운날씨 속에서도 계속해서 기다려 주셨는데...
다음번에 더 좋은 공연으로 보답해 드릴께요...

Notes: Please correct me if anything wrong. Brain not working much.

translation, kim jungmo

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